Medship celebrated as step toward Camden ‘Comeback’

Camden celebrated Medship LLC’s location in the village with a ribbon cutting on Thursday, Sept. 26.

Eddie Mowen Jr. | The Register-Herald

CAMDEN — A ribbon-cutting ceremony for Medship LLC’s headquarters in Camden, on Thursday, Sept. 26, highlighted a transformation in downtown Camden.

The project, initiated by Camden Comeback, aimed to revitalize the area. Medship LLC, led by CEO Ryan Jarrell, invested $3 million in Camden, creating 44 new jobs and securing a $750,000 grant from Jobs Ohio. The grant, part of the Vibrant Community Grant Program, leveraged additional investments and job commitments. The ribbon cutting celebrated the collaboration between local, regional, and state partners, emphasizing the importance of economic development and community revitalization.

Preble County Development Partnership Economic Development Director Justin Sommer highlighted the significant transformation of downtown Camden over the past six months, attributing it to partnerships and investments.

“If you were here even six months ago in downtown Camden, you’ll know that this is not what it looked like,” Sommer said. “It has been a complete transformation, and it takes partnership to do that. So I’m excited to have you here to hear from the team that pulled this project together, and really to thank the Medship team for their investment that they’ve made. Back in 2018 Camden celebrated its bicentennial, and a group of concerned citizens came together with the formation of Camden Comeback. Through the Camden Comeback team, they created a downtown enhancement plan. That plan included the goals of facilitating the creation of a downtown that is more vibrant, accessible and livable. The plan wanted to inform guide public and private partnerships, funding decisions, development plans and future programs, and enhance the use utilization of downtown as a catalyst for economic development. I think we’ve accomplished those goals today. Not surprising, the name of that plan was called ‘Celebrate Camden,’ and that’s what we are here to do.”

Sommer introduced Jarrell. “There are a lot of reasons why this project should not be in Camden Ohio. There’s one main reason that it is in Camden Ohio, and that’s Ryan,” he said.

“When Medship was first formed, there were many locations that were being tossed around to house our staff, our employees and everything to run our business,” Jarrell told those in attendance. “California was being thrown around. Florida was being thrown around and Ohio was being thrown around as well. Camden was always obviously at the top of my list,” he began.

“So South Main Street in Camden has a lot of history. The land where the Medship headquarters is now located, once had three buildings on it,” Jarrell continued. “The buildings that were here originally were built in 1865, and I thought this was interesting. Some of the businesses that were in this exact location were, in 1865 there was Colette’s men’s clothing store, in 1933 it was Camden Hardware, in 1939 there was Irene’s Beauty Shop, in 1941 Snyder Jewelry, in 1952 Evelyn’s Beauty Shop, in 1953 Mary’s Jewelry, in 1964 it was Heinrich Realty, in 1972 Camden Variety Store, and in 1975 it was the Family Store, and Shanks Variety Store was actually located here from 1911 to 1972. Once those businesses closed, my grandparents, Bob and Wilma green, purchased all these properties and converted them into apartments. They remained that way for several decades of my grandparents owning them.

“The buildings structurally were not suitable for housing and they weren’t stable,” Jarrell said. “So we approached my grandparents about the possibility of building our headquarters here on their land, and they were both so excited to see Camden and in particular, South Main Street get revitalized.”

With his grandparents’ support and the help of Sommer and Julie Sullivan of Jobs Ohio, Medship LLC secured the $750,000 grant, which helped it invest millions in downtown Camden and create new employment opportunities.

The company’s employees come from 23 different cities across the area.

Christy Tanner, Senior Managing Director with Jobs Ohio, recognized Medship’s investment and the impact of the vibrant community grant. She thanked Medship for choosing Camden and recognized the Dayton Development Coalition for their role in the project. She emphasized the goal of the vibrant community grant program is to catalyze new investment and transform small towns like Camden.

Jeff Hoagland, President of the Dayton Development Coalition, acknowledged the partnership and impact of the project. “Preble County is a hidden gem in our community, and when we have projects like this, Julie Sullivan and our team, I get to stand up here and say a few things — but they’re the ones rolling up their sleeves, like Hannah and Christy every day, getting it done so that you all can get this redevelopment going and then do other properties, hopefully in the future,” he said.

“It’s truly a great day in Preble County, and it’s even a greater day in Camden, Ohio,” Commissioner David Haber told those gathered. “And we love when people come back to our community to do their business here. That is what we love. And when everybody works together, local, regional and state people, this is what happens, and there’s not a finer example of what work together can do.”

For Preble County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Moss, the day was not just a professional celebration, but also a personal one.

“It is just an honor to stand here today, not only as the director of the Chamber of Commerce, but as someone who lives right up the street and has lived here all of her life, someone who is deeply rooted in Camden’s past, active in its present, and invested in its future. When I was the mayor of Camden, this project was just a vision. When we cut the ribbon, we’re going to see a vision that has become a reality. And I have the unique honor of having both my daughter Kelly Clayton, who is actually Medship’s first non-family employee. And then my husband, after 38 years at Miami University, took a year off retirement, and now he has been with Medship for seven months. So this is not just a professional day, it’s also a personal day of personal excitement for me, because I have seen what Medship has done in my very own family and how they have blessed us.”

She continued, “This is just the beginning, people — ever since we celebrated Camden’s bicentennial, our slogan, ‘Celebrating our past and building our future,’ has resonated with so many people, and today is a perfect example of that future. Medship is not only providing employment opportunities with top tier benefits like 100 percent paid health care for its employees, but the company has wasted no time in giving back to Camden and to Preble County, whether it’s a financial investment or, more importantly, serving on boards, showing up, rolling up your sleeves to support local projects. As we look toward the future, I couldn’t be more excited for what’s ahead for Medship and for Camden. We’re not just cutting a ribbon. We’re paving the way for a brighter future for this town we all love. Camden, Ohio is making one heck of a comeback, with new businesses popping up, others expanding and making our town stronger.”

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.