New superintendent sees good start to school year

Jen Couch, new superintendent at National Trail Local Schools, presided over her first board meeting on Aug. 27.

Marilyn McConahay | The Register-Herald

NEW PARIS — National Trail School District Superintendent Jen Couch said the 2024-25 school year is off to a great start, despite the fact that a student’s medical emergency occurred at the same time as a fire drill.

Couch, who had been principal at the middle school, was hired in April to replace Bob Fischer, who left to become superintendent at Carlisle Local School District in Warren County.

“The open house held before the (school) year was packed and we’ve had lots of community support,” she said at the Aug. 27 school board meeting.

Couch also said school personnel are working with seven families that had not been linked with ParentSquare, a platform for school-to-home communication for parents.

Other reports included approval of four National Trail overnight or out-of-state field trips as follows: FFA Chapter overnight trip to Indianapolis to attend the FFA National Convention from Oct. 23-26; Milk Quality Products Team overnight trip to Madison, Wisc., to attend the World Disney Expo Sept. 30 to Oct. 2; National Trail 8th grade class overnight trip to Washington D.C., leaving on Monday, May 12, 2025, and returning on Thursday, May 15; and the Middle School Careers Class trip to Hills Pet Food in Richmond, Ind., on Sept. 20.

In addition, the board approved a recommendation by Couch for a Middle School Title 1 Reading Reward field trip on Aug. 30 to Cracker Barrel in Richmond, Ind.

Principals and department heads provided updates on what is happening in their areas as the school year gets under way.

“Kindergarten is starting, which makes the bus drivers nervous,” said Transportation Director John Toschlog.

His comment drew chuckles from those attending the meeting.

He reported that ODOT has provided a pull-off space on Route 122 where the bus can pull entirely off the highway to help a student who uses a wheelchair.

“There are no aides provided for this student. Operating the lift and then securing the chair took longer and motorists got impatient. This now means the cars don’t have to stop and it is much safer for all,” Toschlog said.

He reported that three sub drivers are in training and that applications have been received for more full-time drivers.

He also said drains in the back parking lot have been improved.

“Water doesn’t pool there in a heavy rain, so now students getting off the bus don’t have to wade through it,” Toschlog said.

Director of Facilities Brian Smith reported that J. T. Lawn Care swapped out some of the plants around the school building for some orange ones.

“Since school colors are brown and orange, it looks more colorful,” he said.

Also, new playground equipment has been inspected and a few changes are needed.

Elementary School Principal Ed Eales said there are 365 students in the elementary school, 30 more than a few years ago. He said he loves watching the kindergartners come in on the first day.

“The parents leave crying,” Eales said.

Middle School Principal Derek Lucas reported there are 285 students in the middle school and that he still is working on choosing a reading curriculum.

High School Principal Michael Eyler said his numbers include 295 in high school and two sophomores in a special program at the Miami Valley Career Technology Center. He also said opening times of football games have been pushed back to accommodate the heat and he is encouraging more time-outs for water.

Board member Cindy Lee said she encourages parents to use ParentSquare for notifications, and she wondered whether, as a non-parent, she could be linked to ParentSquare to keep track of events at the school.

“I feel disengaged because I don’t have a kid in school here,” Lee said. “I think it’s great as a connection to what’s going on in all the buildings,”


The next regular National Trail School Board of Education meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at the National Trail School K-12 facility at 6940 Oxford-Gettysburg Road, New Paris, in either the Media Center or the cafeteria.