A LOOK AT BROOKVILLEPastime Theatre holds benefit show

The promotional advertisement for ‘Daddy Long Legs’ that appeared in the Brookville Star newspaper.

Submitted photo

BROOKVILLE — In 1931, Mr. G.G. Fox, owner of the Pastime Theatre in Brookville, had arranged for a two-night showing of ‘Daddy Long Legs.’ The benefit film was shown on November 23 and 24, 1931.

Mr. Fox sensed that the local Community Fund that had been started the previous year for use in assisting needy folks was not going to last very long. The depression was making the need for funds all the more expedient.

His decision was also in accord with President Hoover’s message to all theatres to hold a benefit show, with the understanding that all funds would go to the local organization supervising relief, and not to be sent to any county or state organization.

He stated that his actual expenses for getting the film and advertising matter that went with it and the salary of the operator would not run more than $35. He would not charge anything for his work or expenses of the building, and all that was left was to be turned over to the Community Fund.

The film, ‘Daddy Long Legs’ was one with many hearty laughs. It was a simple profoundly human story that millions had laughed and wept over. Tickets were available from any Boy Scout or from the merchants in the community. The price was 25 cents to all, old and young and was good at either show. For those that didn’t care to go on the show dates, they could buy tickets and the money went to where it belonged.

Marking the first time that Janet Gaynor and Warner Baxter had co-starred, this Fox Film’s production of Jean Webster’s well-loved play was confidently expected to set new attendance records at the picture house during its run.

` During this showing of ‘Daddy Long Legs’ Mr. Fox reported that he entertained more people in the two nights than at any other time since he had been in business. The house overflowed both nights and many took advantage of the Monday matinee.

The total ticket sales were 822, and the net proceeds amounted to $168.50 which was turned over to the committee in charge of the relief funds. It was thought that the local committee would not have to worry about funds for their use for the next year.

All information and the photo for this Look at Brookville article were supplied by the Brookville Historical Society. Do you have a photo or historical information to share or add? Please contact the Brookville Historical Society at 937-833-0285 or email to [email protected]