Eaton Board again pressed on RTRI policy

EATON — During its Monday, June 10, meeting, the Eaton Community Schools Board of Education again heard from residents regarding its policy dealing with released time for religious instruction (RTRI.)

Three individuals addressed the board under its public comment portion of the meeting.

District resident, parent and alumni Paul Plaugher reminded the Board of Education its members “are elected by the people to serve the interests of all people in the district, not just those who have the same opinions.”

“It is the responsibility of the parents to decide what is best for their children. I have only heard part of the opposition to the execution of this policy is the fear of jobs being lost. First, not every child in every grade for which attendance to LifeWise Academy is an option is going to attend. I would imagine there are many parents who elect to not send their children to the program. The policy doesn’t state you are required to attend. Likewise, it says you may as long as certain requirements are met,” he continued.

“At last month’s meeting Mr. Parks referenced an individual under the influence who crashed a vehicle into a house and used this as justification for not executing this policy,” Plaugher said. “This is absurd and nothing more than an excuse. People intoxicated or not crashing into houses or buildings are nothing new and has been happening as long as there have been automobiles to drive. If this is such a great concern, I move to this board to dig a mote, fill it up with water and install draw bridges around each school facility as this could just as easily happen in any one of our buildings.

“Mr. Parks also made the statement that if a parent wishes to send their child to LifeWise they could enroll them in any of the other school districts in the county because they all have LifeWise,” he continued. “I’m sorely disappointed in Mr. Parks with his views. I believe we should want people bring their children to our schools. The opening sentence of the policy states the Board of Education desires to cooperate with those parents who wish to provide for religious instruction for their children but also recognizes its responsibility to enforce the attendance requirements of the state. If you desire to cooperate, execute the policy and allow the parents who so choose to send their children to LifeWise provided all of the requirements are met.”

Resident Barbara Willis spoke of Christianity, and the effects of RTRI on studens. “Biblical character traits we teach are universally good for civil society. We teach the 10 commandments. There are three I would like to highlight,” she said. “Number five is ‘Honor thy father and mother.’ We know that solid family units are essential for optimal learning. Number nine is, ‘You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.’ In other words, do not lie or gossip. What I observed at the last meeting when Pastor Ben Meyers had to defend himself against lies and gossip is there are adults who need to revisit that commandment. Number 10 is basically ‘Do not covet.’ Jealousy and greed cause many, many problems between fellow neighbors and could probably be considered the cause for bullying for our school system. These are all traits that will only enhance a child’s life and their ability to learn from their parents and teachers. I’ve seen the impact on students firsthand.” She went to share an example.

“LifeWise is a valuable experience for students to grow in, and a school setting is most valuable for optimal learning,” she added.

Current resident and former Preble Shawnee School Board member Terry Willis, who said he had volunteered with LifeWise for several years, noted, “A 30-year study showed that students who held religious views had higher GPAs and better success in higher education.”

“I would encourage the board to follow their own 2015 policy which states students may participate with parent permission in RTRI. Ohio Revised Code coincides with the policy, stating that students may have this opportunity,” he said. “Both policies are based on the 1952 Supreme Court decision. The word ‘may’ does not mean that the board has to get permission. That’s already been granted by your own policy, the Ohio Revised Code and the Supreme Court. There are certain criteria spelled out to be in compliance, but that has already been proven and doable in the 450 schools in 19 states that LifeWise functions are already in.

“Your policy also states, quote ‘the Board of Education desires to cooperate with parents who wish to provide religious instruction for their children.’ I would encourage you to not obstruct the desires of the parents and children you serve as you would open yourselves up to possible legal action. Defending a lawsuit with taxpayers money is going to be a waste of valuable resources as well as a breach of trust that you desire cooperation. Permission is not requested, but your cooperation is being encouraged,” T. Willis concluded.

“Our board has been divided on this but I always like for people to know where I stand on this topic,” board member Myers said. “And I think more people need to speak up and as board members, we need to let people who have elected us to these positions, know where we stand. You know, it comes down to policy, not the program. We’re here to set the policy to allow whatever program the policy would allow any program. Lifewise is the only program that has come forward to operate Released Time Religious Instruction.”

Myers went on to share more of his opinion on the topic and encouraged the board to uphold the policy.

No action was taken.

In other business, the board:

•Approved following resignations and retirements:Angela Cook, Guidance Counselor, resignation effective Aug. 1; Austin Fudge, High School Assistant Football (1/2 stipend0 resignation effective May 30; Xavier Fugate, High School Assistant Football, resignation effective May 30; David Helvey, High School Assistant Football (1/2 stipend), resignation effective May 30; Aaron Horton, Director of Student Services & School Psychology, resignation effective July 31; Nathan Islamovsky, Football Middle School, resignation effective May 28;. Amanda Jerdon, Teacher, resignation effective June 15; Bruce Laudermilk, Teacher, resignation effective June 30, contingent upon reemployment as Dean of Students, Eaton Middle School; Derek Lucas, Teacher, resignation effective July 1; Derek Lucas, Varsity Golf Coach, resignation effective May 24, and Hannah Striet, Teacher, resignation effective July 2.

• Approved the employment of Bruce Laudermilk as Dean of Students on a two-year limited contract, July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026 and Tony Cochren, Director of Pupil Services on a two-year limited contract, July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

•Approved the employment of the following personnel on a one-year limited contract for the 2024-2025 school year, July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025: Tori Combs, Guidance Counselor; Samantha Gayhart, Teacher; Glen Mabry, Teacher, 1/2-time position at High School; Liane Perkins, Teacher; Andrew Sellers, Teacher and Kyle Nobiling, Teacher.

•Approved supplemental contracts for various certificated staff for extra-curricular positions, the employment of several substitue bus drivers in training , several special education aides, and others.

•Approved the creation and posting of classified positions including bus driver/custodian, bus driver/cafeteria worker and bus driver/special education aide.

•Approved an agreement with Eaton Classroom Teachers Association effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

•Approved the list of 2024 graduates.

•Set school breakfast and lunch prices for the 2024- 2025 school year: breakfast grades k-5, $2.25; lunch grades k-5, $3.25; breakfast grades 6-12, $2.25; lunch grades 6-12, $3.60.

•Approved student fees for the 2024-2025 school year: Kindergarten, $ 32.35; 1st Grade, $ 45.50; 2nd Grade, $ 41; 3rd Grade, $ 74; 4th Grade, $ 77; 5th Grade, $ 72; 6th Grade, $117; 7th Grade, $102; 8th Grade, $96 (without Art Class; ) 8th Grade, $102 (with Art Class.)

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.