West Alex seeks renewal of 4 mill levy

WEST ALEXANDRIA — At its June 17 meeting village council passed the first reading of a resolution declaring the necessity of levying a tax upon the electors of the Village of West Alexandria outside the ten-mill limitation to fund operation of the police department.

The levy would be a renewal of an existing 4 mill levy. According to the resolution the amount of taxes raised within the ten-mill limitation would be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the requirements of the village.

A levy outside the ten-mill limitation must be passed and certified to the county auditor in order to permit village council to consider the levy of such a tax and must request that the county auditor certify to village council the total current tax valuation and the dollar amount that would be generated by the tax.

The levy would meet current expenses of the police department at a rate not exceeding 4 mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $100 for each $100,000 of the county auditor’s assessed value.

The intended tax levy and millage would be for four years, beginning in 2025 and would be for “current expenses of the subdivision” pursuant to Revised Code 5705.19(A).

This resolution requests a prompt response from the Preble County Auditor certifying the total tax valuation of the village and the dollar amount of revenue that would be generated by the 4 mill levy.

Any other appropriate or necessary information from the county auditor is welcome and acceptable in the response.

Reach Ron Nunnari at (937) 684-9124 or email [email protected].