Evidenced-based programs at PCCOA

What is an evidenced based program? According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA): “Evidence-based programs (EBPs) offer proven ways to promote health and prevent disease among older adults. They are based on research and provide documented health benefits, so you can be confident they work. EBP participants build skills to take control of their health, from lowering the risk of falls to better managing chronic conditions, engaging in physical activity, and proactively managing mental health.” (https://www.ncoa.org/article/about-evidence-based-programs). It is basically programs that have the research to back up that they make a difference for individuals. There are great benefits for these programs. These benefits can include but are not limited to improved quality of life, increased self-efficacy in managing one’s health, increased or maintained independence, positive health behaviors, or mobility, reduced disability, reduced pain, improved mental health (including delays in loss of cognitive function and positive effects on depressive symptoms), and much more.

Did you know that PCCOA offers different types of evidenced based programs?

Currently, we offer:

• A Matter of Balance — (MOB) is specifically designed to reduce the fear of falling and improve activity levels among community-dwelling older adults. The program includes eight two-hour classes presented to a small group of 8-12 participants led by trained coaches. The program enables participants to reduce the fear of falling by learning to view falls as controllable, setting goals for increasing activity levels, making small changes to reduce fall risks at home, and exercise to increase strength and balance.

• Chronic Disease Self-Management (Healthy U) – provide older adults and adults with disabilities with education and tools to help them better manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, chronic pain, and depression. This is a 6-week program.

• Drums Alive — is the original and only evidence-based drumming fitness, health, wellness program that provides a “Whole Brain & Whole Body” workout which promotes physical, social, emotional, and cognitive health at all life stages. This is an on going class and you can join at any time.

Coming soon are:

• Bingocize® — 10-week, evidence-based health promotion program approved through both SNAP-Ed and The National Council on Aging (NCOA). Bingocize® combines exercise and health information with the familiar game of bingo, which is a great and fun way to get seniors moving and socializing. It’s meant to be played twice a week on nonconsecutive days. Each session usually lasts 45-60 minutes.

• SAIL (Stay Active and Independent for Life) — focuses strength, balance, and fitness program for adults 65 and older. Performing exercises that improve strength, balance, and fitness are the single most important activity that adults can do to stay active and reduce their chances of falling. The entire curriculum of activities in the SAIL Program can help improve strength and balance, if done regularly.

• PEARLS (Programs to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives) — educates older adults about what depression is, and empowers them with new skills for living healthier, happier lives. PEARLS participants can also improve social isolation and loneliness. PEARLS is integrated into community-based organizations with trained coaches/counselors helping older adults address their mental health needs through problem-solving, activity planning, and connections to additional services within the same organization or others. PEARLS also allows for coordination with an older adult’s health care providers. PEARLS is adaptable to various community needs and helps expand access to care for communities often underserved by mental health care, such as linguistically diverse communities of color and rural communities.

• Healthy IDEAS — is an evidence-based program that integrates depression awareness and management into existing case management services provided to older adults. Healthy IDEAS ensure older adults get the help they need to manage symptoms of depression and live full lives.

• Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention — the program utilizes Tai Chi’s Sun style for its ability to improve relaxation, balance, and its ease of use for older adults. The movements are taught to both left and right sides and with turns to move forward and backward to improve mobility and offer a variety of combinations.

• Powerful Tools for the Caregiver – Powerful Tools for Caregivers class series helps caregivers take better care of themselves while providing for a friend or relative. By taking care of your health and well-being, you become a better caregiver. Six class sessions are held once a week.

• Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers™ — is a multi-component program evidence-based program that provides support to family caregivers of persons with dementia or a chronic illness. It is proven to: Improve the quality of life of family caregivers who are providing care to an older loved one. Help caregivers manage their stress and cope better with their lives. In the Stress-Busting Program for Family Caregivers ™, caregivers will: Learn about stress and its effects. Practice stress management techniques. Develop problem solving skills. The program content includes stress and the impact of long-term stress, managing difficult behaviors/conditions, grief, loss, and depression, coping strategies, positive thinking, taking care of yourself, and choosing a path to wellness. Each week a different stress management technique is demonstrated.

As you can see there are a lot of great opportunities coming to Preble County for our seniors and caregivers. We highly recommend that you inquire about these programs. We have different leaders trained in these programs and dates will be announced soon.

A Matter of Balance class is scheduled for Wednesdays, starting June 12th for 8 weeks. There is still room in this class, and you will learn so much and feel more comfortable with yourself. Call and sign up today! 937-456-4947.

The center has plenty of opportunities available to you on just about anything. If there is a topic that you would like to hear about, please let us know and we will try our best to make that happen. We’d love to see you come on down to the Senior Center for some fun, food, and socialization. It’s a wonderful place where you can connect with someone or get involved with something. Don’t forget that you can become a member for just $10 a year and you will stay up to date with all of our events and happenings. Membership is valid from Jan. 1-Dec. 31.

We are looking forward to seeing you visit us soon!

Preble County Council on Aging is located at 800 East St. Clair Street, Eaton. For more information, call 937-456-4947 or 1-800-238-5146, or email [email protected]. For information about Preble County Transit, call 937-456-9272.