Writer supporting LifeWise


The Bible instructs us in Proverbs 22 to “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse has been proven true time and time again, yet solid Biblical and moral education has diminished nearly to the point of extinction. Drug and alcohol use is on the rise, immorality runs rampant, and the public education system is failing to provide good training on which a child can build his life. LifeWise Academy, however, has found a way to bring it back.

LifeWise is a multi-denominational Christian program offering Biblically based moral and character education to elementary students during school hours! Though this sounds impossible, the Supreme Court decision in the 1952 case Zorach v. Clauson, allowing for released time religious instruction during school hours, is what LifeWise founder Joel Penton calls, “One of the greatest missed opportunities of the church.” It allows for such programs with three stipulations: 1) It must take place off school property, 2) It must be privately funded, and 3) children must have their parent’s or guardian’s permission.

Starting in northern Ohio, LifeWise quickly grew until over three hundred and twenty schools in 15 total states embraced it for their children. These schools saw overall better attendance, better behaved kids, and happier communities.

In the fall, LifeWise will be in three of our Preble County schools: Tri-County North, National Trail, and Twin-Valley South, but not here in Eaton. With board policies and state laws already in place, and such a wonderful program as LifeWise, there is no room to disagree that every child should at least be given the opportunity to attend and participate, yet the Eaton Community Schools School Board has stubbornly refused to allow LifeWise to take place as intended.

The board is split on this issue, with two members for it and three opposing. As the opposing members of the board are clearly demonstrating their refusal to give our children what they need and denying the parents their rights to choose what their children are being taught, I am calling that they give us this right and vote for this to pass, or to step down and let someone who can do the job, without catering to the whims of the Teacher’s Union, fill their shoes. Either way, the children, this next generation, need and will have, something to base their lives upon to ensure the future and continuing success of our country and so that when they grow old, they will be leaders and strong citizens in their communities. To voice your support of the LifeWise program in our local school, contact the board members at eaton.k12.oh.us/school-board.

James Price
