Librarian wants to help clean up park

Dayton Metro Brookville Branch Librarian Ally Doerman-Bays discusses with the Brookville Park Board her proposal to help clean up a city park.

Terry Baver | The Register-Herald

BROOKVILLE — A librarian at the Dayton Metro Brookville branch approached the Brookville park board with a proposal to help clean up one of the city’s parks.

“I run a group called the teen advisory board and I’m revamping it a little bit this year and I want them to do some community service projects because they get hours, which they need to graduate from high school,” teen services librarian Ally Doerman-Bays told the park board.

“We meet once a the month and I’m hoping to do a park clean-up as one of our service projects,” Doerman-Bays continued.

Doerman-Bays told the park board Westbrook Park was her ideal choice for the clean-up project.

“The park I had in mind is Westbrook because it is the closest to the school,” Doerman-Bays said.

“I also had as a possibility Ward Park, which is also within walking distance of the school, but preferably, Westbrook Park would be the best choice because it’s closer to the school,” Doerman-Bays continued.

Doerman-Bays said her thought was to conduct the clean-up for 90 minutes sometime in April or May.

“The hope is it would be warmer then,” Doerman-Bays said.

Park board member Carolyn Haney suggested Doerman-Bays could schedule the clean-up the same time the city conducts its annual clean-up project for all the parks.

“Maybe we can coordinate it with our regular parks clean-up day,” Haney said.

“I heard that takes place in April and is it at Golden Gate Park?” Doerman-Bays asked.

“It takes place in March and we invite the public and all the service groups to come out to help clean up all the parks,” park board president Adam Blevins said, adding the city also participates in the clean-up.

Blevins noted the necessary tools and trash bags are provided on that day.

“It’s kind of a quick morning thing and we have hotdogs and drinks provided free at Golden Gate Park for everybody who came out to help,” Blevins said.

Doerman-Bays asked if the members of her group have to participate at the time the clean-up is taking place.

“My only concern is our meeting time because they know they will come every third Wednesday of the month. Can we do it at a different time?” Doerman-Bays asked.

“Absolutely. We can definitely figure out something.” Blevins said.

Brookville councilmember J.D. Fowler, who is the liaison between council and the park board, suggested Doerman-Bays contact the Brookville Soccer Association.

“I’m on the soccer board and the board kind of runs Westbrook Park the majority of the year,” Fowler said.

“I recommend coming to one of the soccer association board meetings to see what the board might want done,” Fowler continued.

Fowler told Doerman-Bays he will provide her with information on who from the BSA to contact.

Blevins thanked Doerman-Bays for her interest in the city parks.

“The parks are for the kids and the families,” Blevins said.

“Bringing the kids out to see the parks throughout different times of it being worked and giving back is fantastic. We’re all for that and I appreciate your interest in the parks,” Blevins added.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].