Wilson named ‘22 Eaton Employee of Year

Mayor Joe Renner recognized Service & Parks Coordinator Zac Wilson as the City of Eaton’s 2022 Employee of the Year during council’s Monday, March 20, meeting.

Submitted | City of Eaton

EATON — During the Monday, March 20, meeting of Eaton City Council, council members recognized Zac Wilson as the City of Eaton’s 2022 Employee of the Year.

Each year, council pays tribute to an employee who has performed his or her duties in such a manner as to bring credit to the City of Eaton, City Council, and to themselves during the previous year.

Mayor Joe Renner presented the resolution recognizing Wilson: “Whereas for this commendation for 2022, one employee possessed devotion to duty and highest standards of personal integrity to have imparted this tone of excellence upon the city, now therefore be it resolved by the Council of the City of Eaton, Ohio that Assistant Water and Wastewater Superintendent Zac Wilson is hereby honored as the City of Eaton’s 2022 Employee of the Year and is duly recognized for his achievements in making Eaton a better place to live.”

Earlier this year, Wilson moved into a new role as the City’s Service & Parks Coordinator.