BROOKVILLE — In July, 1946, the ‘Brookville Star’ believed in the investment of the children of its readership.
The newspaper said the only way it could give all its readers a good look at these future “world builders” was by publishing pictures of them in a feature series titled “Citizens of Tomorrow.”
To assure the latest and best reproduction picture – arrangements were made with the Woltz Studios, nationally known children’s photographers, to take these special pictures. Anyone in the local area could participate in this offer and there was a large acceptance of this offer.
Expert children’s photographers were at the special studio that was set up in the Brookville Village School Building. There was no charge to the parents. There was no age limit.
Parents did not have to be subscribers or even readers of the newspaper to take advantage of this feature. Neither were they obligated to purchase pictures after they were taken.
Those who wanted some additional prints could obtain them by arrangement with the studio representative when they selected the pose they wanted printed in the paper.
The Woltz Studio experienced an unforeseen relocation of their studio in California in 1946, which delayed the prints coming to Brookville.
In late 1946, the ‘Brookville Star’ began running a few of the pictures each week and continued running them through much of 1947. The Brookville Historical Society has many of the photos in their files that were not printed.
All information and the photo for this Look at Brookville article were supplied by the Brookville Historical Society.
Do you have a photo or historical information to share or add? Please contact the Brookville Historical Society at 937-833-0285 or email to [email protected]