A LOOK AT BROKVILLEWWII shortages and registration requirements

A full-page newspaper ad seeking metal or rubber for use in making weapons during World War II.

Submitted photo

BROOKVILLE — In August 1942 Brookville held a June Rally for the Brookville and Clay and Perry townships.

One old disc provided scrap steel needed for 210 semi-automatic light carbines; one old plow helped make one hundred 75 mm armor piercing projectiles; one old useless tire provided as much rubber used in 12 gas masks; one old shovel helped make 4 hand grenades.

Mr. H.F. Hawkins, chairman of the local salvage committee named the following as official salvage depots: Lauver & Minnich at Brookville, Loy Mills at Pyrmont, and Orville Hoke in Phillipsburg who could be reached at Telephone 78R for directions.

Donors were given a weight bill for the junk brought to the official salvage stations and after the junk was delivered to the receiving depots, they were paid prevailing prices.

Registration of youths started in mid-1942. Youths ages 18 and 19 were required to sign-up. A young man born in July through December 1924 was required to register. After that date each man had to register upon attaining their 18th birthday.

In mid-1942, Women over 18 years of age in Montgomery County received womanpower registration cards in the mail from the War Manpower Commission. Each woman was asked to fill out the card and drop it in the mail.

The cards were postage free and were self-addressed to the United States Employment Service in Dayton. All cards were to be returned within 10 days. The purpose of the registration was to list every woman who was available for war jobs. They wanted all women, regardless of age and regardless of their present occupation to fill out the cards and return them.

All information and the photo for this Look at Brookville article were supplied by the Brookville Historical Society. Do you have a photo or historical information to share or add? Please contact the Brookville Historical Society at 937-833-0285 or email to [email protected]