Camden Village reviewing fiscal issues

CAMDEN — Budget and financial deficit concerns were one topic of Camden Village Council’s Aug.15, meeting.

“Right now, we are spending $725,000 a year on just salaries from everyone’s department,” Councilman Kelly Doran told council. “And on top of that, we’re spending almost $14,000 a month on health insurance. And the number that I gave you of the seven and a quarter doesn’t include the village’s contributions for OPERS and all that.”

Doran said the village is down over a million dollars from Dec. 7, 2022, to the current date. “If we’re down a million dollars again in a year from now, what I’m saying is this is not a sustainable path. So, we’ve got to look very hard and very deep that where it’s coming from, where it’s going,” he said.

Camden officials will be reviewing and discussing the fiscal situation further at a future meeting.

Council also:

•Heard from Bridge Internet, a rural internet service provider launching in Preble County. The company has five towers in Preble County at this time.

•Discussed publishing the village council code of conduct on the village’s website.

•Discussed the possibility of creating a water assistance program for low-income households, the information which would be asked for on a potential application, and individuals’ privacy.

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.