New businesses to be required to register


BROOKVILLE — Council heard the first reading of an ordinance that will require new businesses planning to locate in the city to register the business with the city.

The ordinance states the city “desires to require businesses to register with the city of Brookville prior to the business commencing operations in the city of Brookville to provide the city with information regarding the business and to assist the city in determining that the business has obtained all necessary permits and licenses to operate the business.”

The ordinance states “all businesses that are located in the city of Brookville and commence operations in the city of Brookville after Oct. 30, 2024, shall register the business with the city of Brookville.”

The ordinance states “the city manager shall approve a business registration form to be used in the registration process.”

The ordinance states “failure of the owner of a business to register the business with city of Brookville shall constitute a minor misdemeanor.”

The ordinance will take effect 30 days after passage by council as provided by the city charter.

In other business, council heard the second reading of an ordinance that places a temporary moratorium on the issuance of zoning permits for retail establishments primarily selling tobacco or vaping products in the city.

The temporary moratorium ordinance is the result of numerous city residents complaining about “the operation of retail establishments primarily selling tobacco or vaping products in the city.”

The ordinance states because of the complaints, “city council desires to enact a temporary moratorium on the issuance of any additional zoning permits for retail establishments primarily selling tobacco or vaping products while the zoning code is amended to provide additional controls over the issuance of zoning permits for retail establishments primarily selling tobacco or vaping products.”

The moratorium will be in effect for 180 days.

During that time frame the ordinance states “the issuance of any zoning permits for retail establishments primarily selling tobacco or vaping products is hereby adopted, and no zoning permits shall be issued during the moratorium for any retail establishments primarily selling tobacco or vaping products.”

The ordinance will take effect 30 days after passage by council as provided by the city charter.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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