Marijuana to be prohibited in city parks


BROOKVILLE — Council heard the second reading of an ordinance that prohibits the use of marijuana in city public parks.

The ordinance states “Section 961.01 prohibits the use of alcoholic beverages, intoxicating liquors, and intoxicating or hallucinogenic drugs in public parks.

The ordinance further states “a recent initiative passed by Ohio voters permits the use of marijuana by adults.

In order to prohibit the use of marijuana in public city parks, the ordinance states “the park board and city council desire to amend the park regulations to clarify that use of marijuana is not permitted in any public park within the City of Brookville.”

The ordinance states “no person shall take into a public park or use within a public park of any kind of alcoholic beverage, intoxicating liquor, marijuana, intoxicating or hallucinogenic drugs within a public park.”

The ordinance further states “no person shall enter or remain in a public park while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, intoxicating liquor, marijuana, or intoxicating or hallucinogenic drugs.”

The ordinance will take effect 30 days after passage by council as provided by the city charter.

In other matters, Kuntz thanked Angie Weiss and Kim Duncan “for all their hard work” in the front office at the municipal building.

“They are the first faces and voices our residents and businesses work with when they contact the city offices daily, and Angie and Kim do an unbelievable job day in and day out in not only be extremely professional, but they do an outstanding job of always being friendly, helpful and going the extra mile in helping everyone that contacts our office,” Kuntz said.

“They are a great representation of everything that’s great about Brookville and our staff,” Kuntz added.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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