‘CTown Throwdown’ brings Highland Games to Camden


CAMDEN — The “CTown Throwdown,” Scottish Highland Games were held at Tyler’sville/Waterworks Park in Camden on Saturday, Aug. 24, bringing residents a chance to watch a different type of sport.

Organized by Sticks and Stones Heavy Athletics, events included stones, weights, hammers, caber, sheaf and weight over bar.

In the hammer event, a metal ball attached toa wooden pole is rotated by an athlete around their head and then released for distance. Men throw a 22-pound heavy hammer and a 16-pound light hammer. Women throw a 16-pound heavy hammer and a 12-pound light hammer.

The caber toss uses a full-length pole like a telephone pole. The athlete lifts up the pole and steadies it with both hand before tossing it upward and out.

Sheaf is a traditional Scottish agricultural sort using a pitchfork to hurl a hessian bag stuffed with straw above the athlete’s head. Men use a 16-pound bag. Women use a 10-pound bag.

In weight over bar, the object is to throw a weight, with the athlete’s back to the bar, up in the air over the cross bar. Men throw a 56-pound weight and women throw a 28-pound weight.

In weights, the athlete is holding a weighted ball attached to a chain and throws it for distance. Men throw a heavy weight at 56 pounds and light weight at 28 pounds. Women throw a heavy weight at 28 pounds and a light weight at 14 pounds.

The stones event is like shot put in track and field, but the athletes are using a stone. Distance is measured and the athlete has three attempts to get the maximum distance. The weight is usually 16-26 pounds for men and 8-18 pounds for women.

“CTown Throwdown was a success,” organizer and Sticks and Stones member Mandi Hart said in a Facebook post last week. “A huge thank you to the athletes for your support, thank you for showing up and putting on a great show for Camden. Thank you to the members of Camden City (sic) Council for your support. Thank you to everyone that came out and showed up to watch. Thank you to our sponsors for your support to grow this event into something bigger and better for years to come. James Edward Richmond and Big Country Strength Equipment, thank you for the awards. Thank you Justin Crawford for setting up a clan tent.

“Already looking forward to growing this games for the future,” she continued. “Plan on putting CTown Throwdown on your throwing schedule for next year. Big things are coming.”

Find Sticks and Stones Heavy Athletics on Facebook for more information.

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.

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