New residential district proposed for city

Brookville planning commission approved a draft for a new residential district in the city.

Terry Baver | The Register-Herald

BROOKVILLE — Planning commission, after reviewing the contents, approved a draft of a new large lot residential district for the city.

The only modification planning commission made was to strike the wording “it excludes enclosed patios and garages” under the structural requirements section of the text.

“The district is entitled R-1 Rural Residential District, and the zoning district,” law director Rod Stephan said.

Stephan said the district “is based on the proposal presented by planning commission member Tony Ezerski at the July 2024 planning commission meeting.”

Stephan noted “the zoning district would be the first residential district listed in the zoning code.

“It is being placed at the beginning of the residential districts because our districts are in order from lowest density to highest density, and this newest district will be the lowest density district,” Stephen said.

Stephan also noted he listed in the proposed text all the special uses from the R1-A zoning district in the code.

“There may be some that are totally incompatible with our goal here for the Rural Residential zoning, so if you want to reduce the special uses, we can potentially look at reducing them,” Stephan said.

“I’m requesting planning commission review this text and then pass a motion to approve it, if it is acceptable, and we can start a first reading with city council and schedule a public hearing on the proposed text change,” Stephan continued.

The proposed text states the purpose of the Rural Residential District is “to control development in rural areas by requiring large lots for single-family residential development in this district.”

Single-family dwellings are a permitted use under the Rural Residential District.

Other permitted uses include “accessory buildings and uses incidental to the principal use which do not include any activity conducted as a business. Regulations governing accessory facilities and uses are specified in Chapter 1157.”

The minimum lot area is 4,340 square feet (1.5 acres) while the minimum lot frontage is 150 feet.

The minimum front yard and rear yard depth is 50 feet while the minimum side yard depth is 20 feet on each side.

The structural requirements are as follows:

• maximum building height – 35 feet

• minimum floor area – 2,000 square feet

The following special uses – subject subject to review and regulation in accordance with Chapter 1163 – include:

• governmentally owned and/or operated parks and recreational facilities.

• private non-commercial recreational areas and facilities of an open space nature, such as golf courses, tennis courts, country clubs, etc.

• churches and other buildings for the purpose of religious worship

• libraries

• public and private schools offering courses in general education

• cemeteries

• home occupations

• private earth stations

• shared housing (maximum of five residents)

• family care homes

• foster care facilities (maximum of five residents)

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].