Brookville working on CIP program


BROOKVILLE — City manager Jack Kuntz informed council city staff is working on the city’s five-year capital improvement program as part of the regular budget discussion conducted at the end of the year.

“This new program will assist staff and city council in projecting and budgeting for general capital improvement projects over the next five years,” Kuntz said.

“Department heads submitted preliminary CIP items to the finance department in the beginning of August and these are presently being reviewed by staff,” Kuntz continued.

In other matters, Kuntz informed council city staff is working on a new senior/retiree program.

Kuntz indicated police department administrative assistant Ronda Dittrick is organizing a monthly senior program that will be held at the Leiber Center, located in Golden Gate Park, at 545 Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road.

Kuntz noted the program is part of the city’s inclusion in the The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Coalition of Age Friendly Communities program.

“Our first program is tentatively scheduled for the middle of September, and we’ll be releasing additional details as we get everything solidified,” Kuntz said.

Kuntz also advised the Wolf Creek Street resurfacing project will take place soon.

“We don’t have an exact time frame on when the resurfacing project is scheduled to begin, Kuntz said.

Kuntz indicated the project will take place in September or October.

Kuntz noted the project is being funded through the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission’s Surface Transportation Program (STP).

“Information on the project timeline will be released as soon as we receive word from the Ohio Department of Transportation,” Kuntz said.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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