Perry Township to demolish unsafe structures


PERRY TOWNSHIP — Prior to Perry Township’s monthly meeting held Aug. 8, Trustee President Zach Music called for a public hearing regarding two structures he said had been declared unsafe by the Brookville Fire Department.

One is located at 2649 N. Sulphur Springs Road and the other at 15011 Brookville Pyrmont Road.

Music said both had been declared uninhabitable. Following discussion on both properties, Music recommended that both be demolished and all three trustees, including Hayes Johnston and Boyd Warner, voted to demolish them.

“It’s a good thing for Pyrmont,” Music said. “We have one property sitting there with an abandoned home on it and it’s unsightly.”

Taxes on both properties are in arrears. Montgomery County Recorder John McManus, who was present at the meeting, spoke of options for the structures, such as re-listing them on county records, with the highest bidder taking possession.

Trustee Warner enthusiastically introduced a new volunteer group forming called, ‘Friends of Perry Township.’

“Anyone is welcome to join. We had our third meeting. It will meet monthly on Monday nights at the township administration building. It’s a way of helping residents,” Warner said.

“We’re also planning to have a Halloween event and a Christmas event.”

Later, Trustee Music added an example of how the group might help a resident.

“Maybe an elderly woman is in the hospital and people can help out by cutting her grass,” he said.

Warner said every Perry Township resident will receive a wall calendar listing events and such things as when trash bill payments are due.

Anyone interested in participating in Friends of Perry Township can contact the township offices by calling 937-833-3045 during office hours, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Also, prior to the opening of the regular meeting, Trustee Warner said he wanted to make a public apology.

“I never wear a hat at a meeting, but for Father’s Day, my granddaughter gave me a hat,” Warner said. “I forgot that I had it on. I regret not taking it off.”

The next Perry Township regular meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at the township administration building, 3025 Johnsville Brookville Road, Brookville.