The August Englewood City Beautiful award winners are Wendall and Vicki Quinton (left) of 729 Overla Boulevard. Their property includes a custom garden shed and beautiful rock terrace wall, as well as a beautiful archway and stone path on the side of the house. The Quinton’s have lived in their home since 2000 and have done all of the landscaping themselves. Also pictured are Art and Festival Commission members Jerri Amos and at far right Judy Flee.

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The August Englewood City Beautiful award winners are Wendall and Vicki Quinton (left) of 729 Overla Boulevard. Their property includes a custom garden shed and beautiful rock terrace wall, as well as a beautiful archway and stone path on the side of the house. The Quinton’s have lived in their home since 2000 and have done all of the landscaping themselves. Also pictured are Art and Festival Commission members Jerri Amos and at far right Judy Flee.