Guess What’s New in Reading?


As we go back to actually working with people, children and older teens, here are some books that may help you with your patience and sanity.

I don’t usually write about non-fiction (“real” books). I mostly write about fiction (imaginary events and people). Here are some of my favorite titles to refresh and make your working experience calmer.

Boundaries – by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. This book explains how to keep your private life private; whether you’re attending school or in the workforce. How much is too much for other people to know about you? It seems these days nothing is off-limits when it comes to your private life. Setting some boundaries is important.

Know what your boundaries are from the beginning and enforce them without feeling guilty, both in your home life and work life. Learn how to make peace with anyone and get along with people. You may recognize Dr. Townsend as the co-host of the nationally-syndicated talk show New Life Live in addition to being a coach, speaker and New York Times bestselling author.

Make Peace with Anyone – by New York Times Bestselling Author David J. Lieberman, Ph.D. This book continues the theme of getting along with anyone. For instance, you’re at work and suddenly your job description shifts with the arrival of a new employee.

How do you convey that you didn’t sign up to do certain things? How about an argument occurring at the office? A long-time feud? Or conflicts with your children? How would you like to get the respect you deserve from anyone?

Lieberman has many ideas to truly enhance your life. He has also authored Get Anyone to Do Anything and Never Be Lied to Again. All of these books could be life-changers!

The Man Who Mistook His Job for a Life – by Jonathon Lazear. Short and to the point, Lazear, a successful entrepreneur or as he’s described on the cover, “a chronic overachiever,” will remind you what really matters. He asks all the questions millions of people ask themselves every day.

For example, what are your other dreams? Who are you if you aren’t your title and your paycheck? When is the last time you gave someone you love a gift that cost more time than money? If you love your job and your boss keeps asking for more, here’s some questions you should ask yourself. Lazear is also the author of Meditations for Men Who Do Too Much.

Now is the Time to Do What You Love – by Nancy Whitney-Reiter. Continuing with the theme of the aforementioned books, this book will help you create an action plan to achieve personal fulfillment. It is the culmination of a seven-year study on successful career changes – if you’re not doing what you love, you should be!

Whitney-Reiter used to hate her job on the eighteenth floor of the World Trade Center. But after 9/11, and getting out safely, she quit. She explains how you don’t have to travel the world or have a lot of resources to transform your life and find true happiness. Her three-part system guides you to a customized career path to achieve virtually any dream.

Who Moved My Cheese? – a classic by Spencer Johnson, M.D. This is a book that many companies require their employees to read with good reason. If you’re starting a new job, or you’re in management, or even if you’re a student, this book helps you to keep up the pace.

In this day and age there are so many pieces of “cheese” (metaphor for what you want to have in life) and just as many “mazes” (metaphor for where you look for what you want – work, family, community). After this short read, you’ll discover how to deal with change and enjoy less stress and more success.

Talking to Strangers – by Malcolm Gladwell. “What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know.” This book is a thought-provoking excursion through history taken straight from the news, by the author of Outliers and What the Dog Saw.

Especially after going through Covid, we need now more than ever to know how to talk to strangers and make sense of people we don’t know. The author writes about several scandals from the last few decades, including Bernie Madoff (hedge fund manager exposed as a fraud) and Amanda Knox (false conviction of murder).

The understanding of these and other stories are questioned as Gladwell argues that something is wrong with the tools and strategies that we use to get to know the people we meet. Don’t be so quick to give in to gossip. Don’t believe everything you see on social media. Think before you share something on your feed that may not be true. Next time it could be you.

So, there you have it! Five non-fiction books that were written to help you navigate along the road of life. Whether you need inspiration, or advice, or are just interested in enhancing your work experience, one of these books should surely fit the bill!

Stop by the shop and pick one up to read while you’re out by the pool or at the house with the air conditioning on in your favorite recliner. A great way to end your summer. Happy Reading!

Reach New and Olde Pages Book Shoppe at (937) 832-3022. It is located at 856 Union Blvd., Englewood across the street from Kroger. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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