BROOKVILLE — On April 3, 1954, the Brookville PTA Jamboree was held at the school on Saturday night. The show featured something different in the way of a style show.

The chic, modern, fashions for men, women and children, were furnished by the Brookville Department Store and were modeled by local talent.

Mrs. Minnie Greenblat, manager of the store devoted thought, time and work in making the fashion selections. Derringers of Trotwood furnished the floral decorations and corsages. Mrs. Wallace Apgar was president of the PTA.

For those that were not interested in what the best dressed woman was wearing at that time, there were styles that past generations wore. Some of the fashions modeled werincluded Dawn Longanecker’s mothers’ wedding dress, Marie Somers’ Nurses uniform (24 inch waist) and a 4-year-old boys outfit worn over 100 years prior. Antique clothing was modeled by Mrs. Robert Rickert and Mrs. David Long.

Another area covered was ‘What Not to Wear.’ In that category a style depicting the wrong costume for shopping was modeled by Mildred Hathaway; what not to wear on the tennis court was modeled by Paul Kahl; clothes not even fit for the house was modeled by Don and Eleanor Hayes; a bathing suit guaranteed not to get whistles but provided plenty of laughs was modeled by Jerry Keener.

Bud Powell and Rev. Milford Ater acted as moderators and it was said there were no dull moments. Prior to the style show, dinner was also served in the school cafeteria. There were 475 patrons and friends of the PTA that enjoyed the evening. Square dancing followed the style show.

All information and the photo for this Look at Brookville article were supplied by the Brookville Historical Society. Do you have a photo or historical information to share or add? Please contact the Brookville Historical Society at 937-833-0285 or email to [email protected].

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