Trustees to repair township intersection


CLAY TOWNSHIP — The trustees approved a motion that will allow a construction company to make improvements to the intersection at Hirsch and Brookville-Salem roads.

The request to install asphalt on Hirsch Road so it is at the same level as Brookville-Salem Road at the intersection were made by the Behnken Concrete Company, located at the end of Hirsch Road.

The company made the request to prevent semi-trucks and other vehicles from being damaged while trying to turn from Hirsch Road onto Brookville-Salem Road.

“There looks like there is a hump about 20 feet back on the left side of Hirsch Road going toward the business,” trustee Kevin Wrightsman said.

Wrightsman suggested starting the improvements at the intersection and continue onto Hirsch Road to where the road is patched from a previous repair job.

Wrightsman said he obtained an estimate of $20,000 from J&A Construction, of Greenville, to make the improvements.

Township road, bridge and cemetery superintendent Chris Maleski told the trustees

they had two choices concerning the improvements to the intersection.

“You can either pay the $20,000 to fix the problem or wait for Montgomery County to fix it in 2029,” Maleski said.

Montgomery County is responsible for maintaining the intersection.

“I say you should just go do it and fix the problem,” Maleski said.

Trustee chairperson Angela Howell said she supported the plan for the township to fix the problem.

“When we were talking about it during the work session it seemed the logical decision was to help the business. To wait another five years for Montgomery County’s help it’s going to get way worse,” Howell said.

Wrightsman agreed with Howell.

“It’s not a high-traffic road, but there is a business and residence there that use it.

I do think we need to get it fixed,” Wrightsman said.

In other matters, the trustees accepted the resignation of township police officer William Dulaney.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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