Teams rally against cancer at Relay for Life


EATON – Participants from around Preble County joined forces in a display of unity and support in the fight against cancer at the annual Relay for Life event held Saturday, July 20, at the Preble County Council on Aging.

Benefiting the American Cancer Society, the event highlighted the community’s dedication to battling cancer and supporting those affected by the disease.

The day was filled with inspiring moments as survivors, caregivers, and supporters joined forces to honor loved ones lost to cancer, celebrate those who have survived, and fight back against a disease that touches so many lives.

Relay for Life events feature several highlights, including a Survivor’s Lap, where cancer survivors took the first lap around the track, symbolizing their strength and courage, and the Luminaria Ceremony, where participants lit candles inside personalized bags to honor loved ones who have fought cancer.

Funds raised by the participants will be instrumental in supporting cancer research, patient services, and educational programs. According to ACS’ Preble County Relay for Life page, top teams this year included “Just the Facts,” raising $843, and “The Merry Mary Walkers,” who raised $285. Top fundraising participants were Tiana White, who raised $296 and Earla Donaldson, who raised $265. All totaled, participants raised over $1,300.

For more information about Relay for Life or to make a donation, visit the American Cancer Society’s website at

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.

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