Senior Center expansion celebrated


EATON – A packed house witnessed the grand opening of the Preble County Council on Aging’s over- 15,000 square feet Senior Center expansion, which was celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony and tour with the Preble County Chamber of Commerce, local and state officials on Wednesday, July 10.

“This has been a long time coming,” PCCOA Executive Director Shelley Ratliff said in welcoming the crowd in attendance. “Last year, in March, we had our groundbreaking and so many of you came and had faith in us to make this dream come true. We’ve been talking about this project since 2015, so sometimes it takes a little bit longer to make something a reality.

“First of all, I’d like to thank RDA Architects for listening to us for the designs that we needed for our seniors. And as you travel around today and see the new expansion, I think you’re going to be very pleased as what they have been able to design for us,” Ratliff noted.

She also thanked Arcon Builders. “They are our main contractor,” she noted. “And if you don’t know anything about Arcon, just remember it is a first-class company with their building projects.”

A wall in the main entrance hall displays the names of all who donated to make the project a reality.

“Donors, we couldn’t have made this happen without you. You’ll see over here we have a wall that celebrates our donors, and you’re going to see lots of colors and lots of sizes, some people have been blessed and they’ve been able to give more. And then we have some people that didn’t have as much but they gave all that they could. So everyone that gave to this project is recognized on this wall,” Ratliff explained.

“I want to thank our board for allowing me the opportunity to lead this endeavor,” she continued. “Our members, thank you for working around the construction. I know that it’s not been fun, but I think that you will enjoy the outcome. Staff, thank you for your patience and flexibility. Couldn’t ask for anything better and I know that our staff is just as proud of what’s happening today as I am. And our community for putting your confidence in us to make sure our seniors have the best life possible.”

Ratliff went on to thank specific donors including the Cobb Family and Henny Penny, and others which can be found on the wall.

The new diner in the expansion, which will be open 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday-Friday is named Jack & Betty’s Diner, after Jack and Betty Cobb.

“When you walk around today, it’s an absolutely beautiful expansion,” COA Board President Mike Spitler said. “And it’s a needed expansion, and our hope is to start to be able with this new facility to identify funding to serve even more seniors in Preble County. We have the space. We have a facility. And that will be our continued promise to you — to expand services as far as we can expand them as possible.”

“Projects like this when you get into the costs, they’re just not possible in a county our size without donations, and it doesn’t matter how big or small the donation was. It all matters,” Spitler continued. “This project is roughly $6.3 million and as of today, we can proudly say with the donor money, levy dollars, donations and existing funds within Preble County Council on Aging, we’ve already paid half of that off, so we’re halfway to our promise to our levy supporters and our taxpayers.”

“To the staff and volunteers of the Preble County Council on Aging: this doesn’t get done without you either. To the board, it’s been great working with you on this project. A lot of phone calls, a lot of extra emails, a lot of extra meetings, to try to discuss certain issues that came up throughout the project. We learned pretty quickly, about two or three weeks in, that things happen, and things need to be dealt with immediately. And I’m proud because I felt like the board really scrutinized every additional cost that came up. It wasn’t just wave things through — there was a lot of discussion on a lot of the topics.”

“To the to the director,” Spitler addressed Ratliff. “This doesn’t happen without a great leader. Just everyday down here doesn’t happen without a great leader and great employees and Shelley did a superb job of leading this project. You walked into your office some days and you wanted to close the door behind you. Because sometimes it wasn’t really good, but she did manage everything, manages staff with just absolute professionalism. And we thank her for that because this center would not be what it is today without her in my opinion.”

“Most importantly, to our seniors in Preble County, this is for you,” Spitler said, noting his passion. “Many of you may know what I do for a living. I’m the chief deputy in the county and that’s one of my passions: children and our seniors in our county and trying to provide the best possible service through the agency for them. And I feel like it’s incumbent upon the younger generation at this point to honor you for all your contributions over the years, no matter what you’ve done. There’s been some contribution you’ve done locally, whether it be through a church, volunteering, whatever. Know that we honor you and give you a place to help you be more independent and able to stay at home as long as possible and to have a place to come to you can call your second home. That’s a deep passion of mine.”

State Rep. Rodney Creech was on hand to present a special proclamation from the state.

The certificate from Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted noted, “On behalf of the State of Ohio, we are proud to recognize the Grand Reopening of the Preble County Council on Aging. This occasion signifies all the hard work and dedication that have resulted in the completion of this new expansion, and we commend every partner for their support in making this possible. We look forward to seeing the positive impact the Preble County Council on Aging will have on the local community, and we extend our best wishes for continued success.”

The Preble County Council on Aging Senior Center is located at 800 E. St. Clair Street in Eaton. For more information, visit or call 937-456-4947.

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.

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