New CASAs sworn in


EATON – Three new CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates,) volunteers for abused and neglected children, were sworn in by Judge Jenifer Overmyer on Monday, July 1.

Malissa Flory, Cassie Manning, and Kayla Baker will join sixteen other dedicated community members who will advocate for a child in the Preble County Juvenile Court because the child has been removed from the home due to abuse or neglect or otherwise necessitated Children Services involvement. As officers of the court, the volunteers ensure that the children’s needs are recognized, and their best interests considered. CASA volunteers are asked to meet with the child regularly and authorized to interview people in the child’s life such as social workers, attorneys, and teachers. They attend court hearings and report their findings to the judge.

On Tuesday, July 2, Preble County CASAs were able to participate in CASA Day at the Dayton Dragons Professional Baseball Team. Ohio CASA worked with baseball teams across Ohio to host “CASA Days” all summer. This was a special opportunity to highlight the work of CASA volunteers and show appreciation for volunteers and staff from across Ohio.

Numerous Preble County children are waiting for a CASA volunteer to serve as their voice in the Preble County Juvenile Court proceedings and more advocates are needed. The only prerequisites for becoming a CASA volunteer are being at least 21 years of age, clearing an extensive background screening and successfully completing 30 hours of training. If interested in learning more about becoming a CASA volunteer, contact Debbie Huff at 937-456-2762.

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