Citizens to decide retail cannabis issue


LEWISBURG — Council has opted to let residents decide if a retail cannabis dispensary should locate in the village.

Council approved three resolutions concerning the issue.

Council approved a resolution to place the issue on the Nov. 5 ballot.

Council approved a resolution postponing a proposed public hearing on the issue until a later time.

Council approved a resolution extending its moratorium on retail cannabis dispensaries locating in the village until Jan. 1.

Council decided to let residents decide the issue after village officials were approached by at least two companies wanting to place a retail cannabis dispensary in the village.

According to municipal manager Jeff Sewert, the plan to deal with the cannabis dispensary issue was derived after he met with mayor Dennis Roberts and law director Mike Hobbs.

“I think we have three scenarios we can work with,” Jeff Sewert said.

Hobbs agreed, stating it was Roberts’ suggestion to allow the residents to decide the issue.

“That would relieve any split council vote,” Roberts said.

Hobbs noted in his research on placing the issue on the ballot, the village’s charter “allows us to do that.”

Hobbs said with plans to place the issue on the ballot, council should consider approving a resolution to postpone the proposed public hearing.

“You passed a resolution last time to direct us to set a public hearing. I don’t know that you want to have the public hearing set now. You might want to have a public hearing before the election, but I think you would want to pass a motion that says table the public hearing for now,” Hobbs said.

Hobbs also suggested it would be a good idea to extend the village’s moratorium on allowing a retail cannabis dispensary that expires in September.

“The question becomes do we extend the moratorium beyond to allow for the vote and the actual effectiveness of the vote because the vote happens in November and then generally speaking whatever passed would take effect in January,” Hobbs said.

“I kind of think you would want to extend the moratorium so that you are consistent and then you can act further in January as whether you have a moratorium or don’t have a moratorium,” Hobbs continued.

Roberts said he favored extending the moratorium.

“When it comes right down to it, let the people decide and then follow exactly what they said,” Roberts said.

Councilmember Jackie Stewart agreed with the plan to allow the voters to decide whether or not to allow retail cannabis dispensaries to locate in the village.’

“I’m more comfortable with the people voting on it. I like the idea of putting it on the ballot. That way the people can decide. If they want it, they’ll vote yes and if they don’t, they’ll vote no,” Jackie Sewert said.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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