Writer: More people should follow Vonderhaar’s leadership


There was no county business conducted in the first hour of the June 24, 2024, Commissioners meeting, as well at the July 1, 2024, meeting. The first two hours of those meetings were dedicated to personal attacks on Commissioner Vonderhaar. What crimes against humanity did Commissioner Vonderhaar commit? She took a phone call from the Ohio Speaker of the House office and gave her personal opinion.

Republican Central Committee Chairman Fred Voge was the set-up man with State Representative Rodney Creech being the clean up hitter on June 24. For a half an hour, Mr. Voge stated he’s never been so hoodwinked, stabbed in the back, and blindsided because Commissioner Vonderhaar gave her opinion on projects that needed funded in the county. At 35:25 minutes into the audio, Commissioner Vonderhaar asked Fred Voge, “Do I need to check with the men in the room to give my personal opinion?”Fred Voge responded, “ It depends on the issues.”

Stepping up next, State Representative Rodney Creech asked why would someone at the Speakers office contact a woman they didn’t even know.

To the women residing in Preble County, on behalf of the Preble County Republican Party Leadership, I’d like to welcome you to 1950s.

State Rep. Creech and Fred Voge continued to attack Commissioner Vonderhaar because she didn’t share the phone call with Commissioners Craft and Haber. Commissioner Vonderhaar replied by asking why would she share that information with Craft and Haber when they both campaigned against her in the primary.

These attacks were never about a phone call. These attacks are rooted in the fact that State Representative Creech, Commissioners Haber and Craft, and the Central Committee Chairman Fred Voge could not beat her at the box office, so they’re going to run her out of office over a phone conversation. Seriously? The 4,200 citizens that voted for Commissioner Vonderhaar in the primary are under attack as well. The Republican Party Leadership think they know better than the 4,200 citizens that voted for Commissioner Vonderhaar.

Fred Voge asked for Vonderhaar’s resignation. Mr. Voge is on the right path but he’s misguided. Fred Voge and Dave Haber should resign from their leadership positions.

Voters, do not forget Rodney Creech backed Vonderhaar’s primary opponent with a $5,000 contribution, Preble County Republican Party Chairman Haber carried a petition for Vonderhaar’s opponent, and Commissioner Adam Craft signed Vonderhaar’s opponent’s petition. All this being said, Mr. Haber actually said at the 36:03 of the audio on June 24, that we need to work as a team. Really? Whose team? The Craft and Haber Team? The Rodney Creech Team? It’s obvious to me that there’s big trust issues between the Commissioners and with Commissioner Vonderhaar being attacked from all sides one can understand her reluctance to share anything when it comes to her fellow Commissioners.

At the July 1, meeting, phone calls were again being discussed. My first question to Commissioner Haber was, “Does Commissioner Vonderhaar have any authority at the Statehouse?” Mr. Haber stated, “No.”

Now let’s move on to Mr. Creech. Approximately one hour into the audio, Rodney Creech wanted to introduce a portion of a phone call he recorded with someone from the Speaker’s office. Commissioner Vonderhaar objected, stating that there’s no proof of who’s actually on the phone. During the discussions, Commissioner Haber asked Creech if he was going to play the audio. I reclaimed my time and asked Mr. Haber how did he know Rodney Creech had an audio. Creech spoke up and said he called Haber before the Commissioners’ meeting. I immediately asked Dave Haber if he shared that phone call with Craft and Vonderhaar. Creech spoke up and stated he told Haber not to inform his fellow commissioners.

So, Rodney Creech attacked Commissioner Vonderhaar for two weeks over not sharing a phone call with her fellow commissioners, and we find out Rodney Creech and Dave Haber are doing something far more sinister than Rachael Vonderhaar answering a phone call from the Speaker’s Office.

Additionally, Rodney Creech admitted on the record that he recorded a phone call from the Speaker’s office. A word to the wise — if you’re talking to Rodney Creech on the phone, doesn’t matter if you’re friend or foe, choose your words carefully — because there’s a pretty good chance you’re being recorded.

I encourage every citizen of Preble County to go to the Commissioners website and listen to the audio recordings of the June 24, meeting as well as the July 1, meeting. By listening to the audio you can hear their condescending tone of voice as they belittle Commissioner Vonderhaar.

I believe these attacks are being orchestrated by State Representative Rodney Creech. Mr. Creech never misses an opportunity to tell us he loves his job. If that’s true , why doesn’t Rodney Creech go to Columbus and learn how to do his job and stop interfering with the business of the Preble County Commissioners’ Office?

State Representative Rodney Creech supported the wrong team in Columbus and the House leadership pulled funding for his projects. Mr. Creech needs to accept this reality, learn from his mistakes, and move on and stop whining and blaming others.

Rachael Vonderhaar is a leader. She lives by her faith and values. These attacks by the Republican Party leadership and State Representative Rodney Creech are happening because she won’t bend a knee and kiss the ring of Creech and Republican Party leadership. Good for her.

More people should follow her leadership.

Jerry L. Wick

West Alexandria