Preble Arts providing teen programming

Pictured (left to right) are Preble Arts Office Manager Gail Springer, Executive Director Michelle Buckley and Assistant Director Claudia Hawkins. Not pictured: Grace Witt, Creative Support.

Submitted | Preble Arts

EATON — Celebrating National Teen Self-Esteem Month, Reid Health shines a light on area organizations working to ensure youth are self-aware and feel confident about themselves. Their collective efforts’ aim is improving teens’ physical and mental well-being.

Preble Arts serves Preble County youth through various programs. Its two most prominent programs — S.T.A.R. and R.I.S.E — equip participants with important life skills through the power of art. Students meet once per week after school to engage in activities and discussions about resilience, coping skills, cultural awareness, and more.

In addition to these free programs, the Strings Initiative and the Flute Foundations Program, provide free violin and flute lessons.

Preble Arts Assistant Director Claudia Hawkins believes it’s essential to provide more ways to support our youth.

“A lot of times, people view youth as too young to have problems, or too young to feel pain, and that’s simply untrue,” she said. “Being a teenager in today’s world is one of the most difficult things that someone can go through, and it’s important to give our youth a place to feel safe and welcome.”

For more information on Preble Arts or how to support its initiatives, call 937-456-3999 or visit