Englewood PC rejects ‘mega church’ rezoning

ENGLEWOOD — A requested rezoning for 24.942 acres of land on the north side of W. Wenger Rd., approximately 500 feet west of Deeter Drive, for a proposed 60,000 square foot church with an assisted living facility on the second floor and 31 independent living cottages on the property, received a 3-0 vote not to approve the rezoning by the Englewood Planning Commission at its June 5 meeting.

God’s Way Triune Ministries submitted the rezoning request, which included building elevations and a narrative describing the project. The plan included approximately 1,000 parking spaces. The rezoning/ordinance amendment application submitted to the city was filed May 22.

The city’s current zoning map identifies this area as S-PUD, Special Planned Unit Development. However, since there is no approved plan on record, the zoning would revert to the underlying R-3, Single Family Residential.

The proposed church is an allowed conditional use within the R-3 district, but the assisted living facility would not be permitted, according to William Singer, Jr., director of community development.

Englewood’s Land Use Plan indicates this area is designated for use as low density residential development.

Several residents submitted letters to the city opposing the proposed rezoning. One resident included photos of flooding on the property when Moss Creek overflows it banks during heavy rain events. One resident feared the added runoff from the parking area would cause flooding to the homes located along the creek.

Most residents opposed to the proposed church cited traffic concerns for the already heavily traveled W. Wenger and Hoke roads, which are congested during peak travel times. They also felt the “mega church” would have a negative impact on the tranquility of their neighborhoods in the Mill Wood Estates subdivision.

The planning commission recommended by unanimous vote not to approve the requested rezoning due to consideration of the land use, site access, building design and the impact of the development on surrounding properties.

An ordinance has been prepared for review by city council at its Tuesday, June 11 meeting. Council has the option to accept, reject or modify the planning commission’s recommendation regarding the rezoning request.

Reach Ron Nunnari at (937) 684-9124 or email [email protected].