City hires Golden Gate Park caretakers


BROOKVILLE — Michaela and Evynn Short are the new caretakers at Golden Gate Park, located at 545 Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road.

“The contract has been signed. We’re very excited for them to start,” Brookville City Manager Jack Kuntz said.

The Shorts moved into the park’s caretaker cabin on May 24.

Michaela said both she and her husband will perform the duties in the park.

“Evynn works a full-time job and I just work part time, so I will be doing most of the work during the day,” Michaela said.

“I go to school at night, so when I’m not there he will be doing it,” Michaela continued.

Michaela indicated she will be attending the University of Dayton in the fall to obtain her Master’s degree.

Michaela said she currently works part time at the Brookville Latchkey Academy.

Michaela said that job will end when school closes at the completion of the school year.

“Over the summer I’m working at EyeDocs (Family Eye Care) in Brookville,” Michaela said.

“I’m an optometric technician and optician. I’ve been trained to do it all,” Michaela said.

Evynn said he is an automation engineer.

The couple noted they moved to Brookville a year ago.

Michaela said she is originally from Lewisburg while Evynn indicated he was from New Paris.

Michaela said she saw the job listing on Facebook.

“I saw the job opening on Facebook and Evynn and I talked about how cool of an opportunity that would be,” Michaela said.

“We talked about it and determined between the two of us we could do everything that needed to be done,” Michaela continued.

Michaela also said the job opportunity was intriguing because she is a family friend of Dan and Shelly Music, who were longtime Golden Gate Park caretakers.

“I would go over to their house as a kid and I thought it was the coolest thing they lived in the house in the park,” Michaela said.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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