Hay Avenue road project to begin in April


BROOKVILLE — City manager Jack Kuntz announced the Hay Avenue Phase 2 resurfacing project will begin in April.

The project will begin north of Mulberry Street.

Wolf Creek Street will remain open to traffic throughout the project.

Hay Avenue will be shut down during most of the project, just as it was during phase 1.

Kuntz also said city staff recently interviewed two candidates for the Gold Gate Park caretaker position.

“We’re hopeful we can have someone in place by April,” Kuntz said.

The individual hired for the caretaker position will replace Diana Slade, who resigned in order to spend more time with her family,

Kuntz noted the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission officially awarded to the city a Surface Transportation Program (STP) grant for the Arlington Road resurfacing project.

“The timeline for this project is still a couple of years away and will be coordinated with Montgomery County’s Arlington Road bridge replacement project, Kuntz said.

In other matters, council accepted the recommendation from the Tax Incentive Review Council for three tax incentive agreements in the city.

Council approved a resolution accepting the recommendation of the Tax Incentive Review Council finding that the enterprise zone agreement of Green Tokai Co. LTD dated March 25, 2016, is in compliance and that the enterprise zone agreement be continued.

Council approved a resolution accepting the recommendation of the Tax Incentive Review Council finding that the community reinvestment area #1 agreement of Giant Ohio LLC dated June 21, 2017, is in compliance and that the community reinvestment area agreement be continued.

Council approved a recommendation accepting the recommendation of the Tax Incentive Review Council findings that the community reinvestment area #1 agreement of General Motors LLC dated Sept. 17, 2019, is in compliance and that the community reinvestment area agreement be continued.

Law director Rod Stephan said the Tax Incentive Review Council met March 15 in the Montgomery County auditor’s office to review the three tax incentive agreements.

In other business, council passed a resolution approving the countywide 911 services final plan which was recently approved by the Countywide 911 Program Review Committee.

A letter sent to the city of Brookville from Montgomery County Commissioner Carolyn Rice, the chairperson of the County 911 Program Review Committee, stated “several changes to Ohio Revised Code 128 via House Bill 33” were made by the state in 2023.

“Among those changes is a new requirement that all county 911 Program Review Committees must complete and submit an updated Countywide 911 System final plan to the state Program office,” Rice’s letter stated.

“On Feb. 23, 2024, the Montgomery County 911 Program Review Committee reviewed and unanimously approved the Countywide 911 System final plan in accordance to ORC 128,” Rice’s letter continued.

Rice stated in the letter for the plan to be fully ratified, “the plan must be sent to the legislative authority of each municipal corporation and the board of township trustees of each township in the county…”.

“The legislative authorities of municipal corporations and townships in Montgomery County must act by resolution to approve the plan,” Rice’s letter stated.

“In order to be considered approved, the municipal corporations and townships that approve the plan must account for at least 60 percent of the total population of Montgomery County.”

Rice’s letter stated “each legislative authority must notify the Montgomery County Commissioners in writing of its approval or disapproval of the plan.”

Rice’s letter stated “the approved and fully ratified plan must be sent to the Statewide 911 Program Officer before Apr. 3.

Rice requested that all municipalities and townships approve the legislation and submit written notification of their approval to the county commissioners by April 1.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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