Hilton Hotel planned for Brookville

Mike Oxner, of Professional Associates in Brookville, addresses council on the proposed Hilton Hotel Sun Real Estate Development and Management Corporation, located in Indianapolis, Ind., plans to build in Brookville

Terry Baver | The Register-Herald

BROOKVILLE — Council approved the Parkview Commercial subdivision Section 3 record plan that will allow for the construction of a Hilton Hotel.

The hotel will be constructed on land between Upper Lewisburg-Salem and Triggs roads.

Council’s approval follows planning commission’s recent approval of the site and subdivision record plan for the proposed hotel.

“The subdivision will establish a 3.007-acre lot for the location of the Hilton Hotel,

law director Rod Stephan said at the Nov. 16 planning commission meeting.

Stephan added 1,191 acres have been set aside for the future construction of a sit-down restaurant.

“The property is located in the Highway Service Zoning District,” Stephan said.

Stephan also noted the proposed use of a hotel is a permitted use in the Highway Service district.

Stephan said the site plan indicates the hotel will be three stories with 121 rooms.

“The site plan provides for a private street to extend from Triggs Road to Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road,” Stephan said.

“The site plan also includes a landscape plan for the project,” Stephan added.

Stephan noted the parking plan provides 128 spaces for the 121 rooms and the employees that will be working at the hotel.

Mike Oxner, of Professional Associates in Brookville, told planning commission the company he is representing, Sun Real Estate Development and Management Corporation, located in Indianapolis, Ind., has developed numerous hotels around the country.

“Right now they are proposing a new Hilton hotel, which is a newer concept for the Hilton Hotel,” Oxner said.

Oxner noted the construction of the hotel will bring some improvements in the area.

Oxner said Triggs Road will be improved and connect to Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road.

Oxner also said there will be the extension of sanitary sewer coming off of Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road.

“A water line will be extended from Triggs Road through the property tying into Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road providing a water main loop,” Oxner said.

Oxner said a large detention basin is proposed that will handle the majority of stormwater on the site.

“There will also be a smaller detention basin to serve as a buffer to further provide further water storage and storm water control,” Oxner said.

Oxner noted a private access road from Triggs connecting to Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road will be built.

Planning commission member Ken Claggett asked if the private access road would be a problem for the hotel or the city if it is used by motorists as a shortcut to reach other businesses in the area.

“If I’m coming in from the west on Upper Lewisburg-Salem Road, that would cut off a little traffic if I’m heading to McDonald’s,” Claggett said of the proposed private access road.

“Does the hotel care or should the city care about that?” Claggett asked.

“You are correct. People will do what they do to take shortcuts whenever they can,” Oxner replied.

“The hotel is not opposed to ancillary traffic that uses the road at this time,” Oxner said.

Oxner said plans were not to make the access road a public road because of a lack of space.

“We really don’t have enough room or width to do a fully dedicated road through there without impacting the site plan itself because of the city’s requirement for so much parking for a hotel,” Oxner said

“Hilton doesn’t require as many parking spaces that is provided in the site plan and we’ve used up just about all of our available area for that and still retain a little bit of an area for a future restaurant,” Oxner continued.

Oxner said signs indicating the access road is a private road can be installed.

“Maybe that will cut down the amount of traffic that might use the private road,” Oxner said

Oxner said the construction of the hotel is a good upscale project.

“I think it will be a real benefit to the city,” Oxner said.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].