Veterans to be honored November 10


BROOKVILLE — The Brookville and Clay Township police departments are hosting the annual Veterans Day lunch on Friday, Nov. 10, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Rob’s Restaurant, located at 705 Arlington Road.

The free lunch is available for all veterans and for active duty military personnel.

According to Brookville Police Chief Doug Jerome, the Miami Valley Career Technology Center Criminal Justice students will team up with the Brookville Police Department and the Clay Township Police Department for the annual event.

“The career center is bringing more than 20 criminal justice students,” Jerome said.

“They are truly a large portion of our work force and staffing for the event,” Jerome noted.

“It would be difficult to hold the lunch without their continued assistance and dedication to our local veterans,” Jerome said.

Jerome said members of the Perry Township and New Lebanon police departments may be on hand to lend assistance.

Jerome also said government officials from Brookville and Clay and Perry townships may also offer assistance.

Jerome noted the Clay Township business community is providing the majority of the funding for the event as they have done in the past.

“Clay Township typically raises a majority of the funding needed to feed unlimited veterans lunch,” Jerome said.

Jerome indicated the veterans lunch event has taken place for more than 10 years.

Prior to the luncheon, a Veterans Day ceremony is scheduled at 10 a.m. in the Brookville Local Schools gymnasium, located on Blue Pride Drive.

Brookville Elementary Principal Shawn Thomas, who is in charge of the event, said a breakfast for the veterans will be held at 9:15 a.m. at the school.

Several presentations honoring the veterans will be made by students during the ceremony.

Guest speaker for the ceremony is retired Army Major James Bailey.

Jerome said he would like to thank Rob’s Restaurant for its support of military veterans.

“We love our veterans and active-duty military personnel,” Jerome said.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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