Police chief’s spending limits increased


CLAY TOWNSHIP — The trustees approved a resolution that will allow an increase in the amount of money the township police chief can spend.

“We talked about changing the spending limits for Chief John Van Gundy so he can approve different items that need to be purchased for day-to-day operations,” trustee chairman Dale Winner said.

The trustees increased Van Gundy’s daily spending limit from not to exceed $1,500 to not to exceed $3,000 “in an effort to maintain the continuity of daily operations.”

The trustees also allowed Van Gundy to approve purchases in the amount not to exceed $5,000 with the approval of a trustee without board approval.

In other business, the trustees approved a resolution authorizing a contract with Paycor to provide payroll and employee onboarding services.

The contract takes effect Jan. 1, 2024.

“We talked about providing some continuity from the change in the fiscal officer,” township fiscal officer Mark Brownfield said.

“I think this gives us a stop gap measure regardless as who is the fiscal officer,” Brownfield continued.

“This will also help keep our records straight and the employees paid,” Brownfield added.

The trustees agreed to purchase two 2024 Grasshopper 725D mowers from North Star Hardware and Implement Company, of North Star, Ohio.

“The cost is $47,200, minus $12,000 for a two-mower discount, totaling $35,200 for both mowers,” trustee Duane Heuker said.

“The 2023 Grasshoppers are going to be traded in for $30,200, so that is about a $5,000 savings. That seems like a very fair offer.” Heuker added.

The trustees approved a request from township zoning inspector Kevin Garlitz to change the zoning commission meeting day.

The zoning commission meetings, originally held the first Wednesday of the month, will now be held the second Wednesday of the month for the rest of the year.

The meetings begin at 6 p.m. at the township building at 8207 Arlington Road.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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