‘Constitution Week’ proclaimed in city


BROOKVILE — Mayor Chuck Letner presented a proclamation to Frances McGee-Cromartie, Regent of the Daniel Cooper Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, designating Sept. 17-23 as “Constitution Week.”

September 17 marks the 236th anniversary of the drafting of the United States of America’s Constitution by the Constitutional Convention.

“It is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to this magnificent document and memorable anniversary and patriotic celebration which will commemorate the occasion,” Letner read from the proclamation.

“Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating Sept. 17-23 as ‘Constitution week,’” Letner continued.

“I, Charles Letner, Mayor of the great city of Brookville, do hereby proclaim the week of Sept. 17-23 as ‘Constitution Week’ and ask our residents to reaffirm the ideals of the framers of the Constitution had in 1787 by vigilantly protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties, remembering that lost rights may never be regained.,” Letner said.

McGee-Cromartie presented Letner with a “Constitution Week” poster to be displayed to remind citizens of the importance of the week.

McGee-Cromartie also announced that Brookville residents and other citizens across the country can participate in the celebration of the event.

“On Sunday, Sept. 17, at 4 p.m., which is the beginning of ‘Constitution Week,’ you are asked to ring some kind of bell, which will remind you of the bells that rang when the Constitution was signed,” McGee-Cromartie said.

McGee-Cromartie thanked the Brookville citizens for their support over the years.

“We appreciate Brookville for the help given to us with our projects,” McGee-Cromartie said.

In addition to giving Letner a “Constitution Week” poster, McGee-Cromartie also presented the mayor with a challenge coin.

According to pinprosplus.com, “a challenge coin represents comrade or unity and proves membership of a certain group, as well as honoring the actions of those who receive them.

The website states “challenge coins originated in the military and have many traditions surrounding them.”

The website further states “anyone can get a challenge coin, if they want one, and civilian clubs, organizations, sports teams and businesses all use challenge coins.”

The rules state a challenge coin must be carried at all times.

According to Cristaux International, if the person challenged fails to produce the coin, the challenge must be honored, and drinks must be purchased.

“If you see me and I may not have my challenge coin and I lose, I’m not going to give you a drink,” McGee-Cromartie told Letner, her comments accompanied by laughter from those attending the council meeting.

Letner said he was honored to be a part of DAR events, including the “Wreaths Across America” ceremony held last December in Arlington Cemetery in Clay Township.

“It’s my pleasure to come out to a grave site and commemorate as we did last year, in freezing temperatures, with our Wreaths Across America ceremony,” Letner said.

“It was very rewarding. We had a great turnout. We had a lot of brave souls out there placing wreaths in freezing temperatures,” Letner added.

Letner said he is looking forward to participating in the event this year.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected].

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