Commission shares SD6 update


GLENWOOD — Preble County Commissioners continued their Monday, Aug. 21, business meeting over to an evening session to hold a quarterly update for those impacted by the upcoming Sewer District 6 construction project.

Commissioner David Haber reported a letter from the Army Corps of Engineers had been received, but the project hasn’t been put out for bid yet. “We’re still waiting on a few things to get finalized on that,” he said. “We’re close — closer than we’ve been.”

Several of the affected residents questioned the need for easements for the Army Corps of Engineers they had been notified of.

“That’s a policy that they have internally, that we have the easements for utilities on the properties as part of the deed restrictions with the subdivision,” PC Engineer Kyle Cross said. “But they won’t accept that for their own internal policies, that they are requiring, basically, the permission slip to be signed, before they’ll enter on the property of private property.”

Officials were also questioned on whether there would be a program in place for those residents who could not afford the connection to the sewer system, and reported they would be meeting with EPA officials to discuss help with funding for individuals to connect from the pipeline to their homes.

To provide answers to many of the questions broached by attendees during the meeting, commissioners provided a frequently asked questions document at the meeting. The document summarized the project thus far.

It noted:

“Plans have been submitted to OEPA and awaiting on approval then it will bid so no current time frame on bid process and have a couple years to make sure this is working.

“Current septic systems will need to be abandoned and the affected residents are required to hook up to SD6. Current permits to abandon septic systems are $40 (decommissioning a system estimated at $2,000-$10,000.)

“Current tap permits are $50. The county is looking for options to waive or cover both permit fees.

“Yes, you may hook up to the sewer system yourself and remove all systems yourself as long as it passes inspection.”

“There are no perfect solutions for the Sewer District 6 Project,” the commissioners noted in the handout. “We are working with homeowners to minimize impact to property and to improve affordability.”

According to commissioners, the project’s life plan is 30 years, with future repair and replacement already factored in. An allowance has also been made in the plan should additional drilling if needed due to potential rock being hit.

Officials are currently awaiting EPA approval of the plan and then it will be bid out.

Preble County has until 2025 to utilize the $8 million grant received for the project, or it will be forfeited.

“We are hoping to contract the collection system and the sewer plant separately to meet the timeline of the grant. We continue to work with the Ohio Department of Development and the Ohio EPA looking for additional funding options, along with the opportunities of low interest infrastructure loans,” commissioners noted. ” Our goal is to keep monthly bills less than or equal to $70 per month.

Officials also pointed out no Preble County ARPA funding has been allocated to the project at this time.

As far as samplings to monitor potential health risks, the county is mandated by the EPA to do so, the handout noted. “The EPA and operator will test a minimum of two times a month, and a Preble County employee will test weekly,” officials said.

The current Preble County Commission, PC Sanitary Engineer, and the PC Health Department are following the requirements for the negotiated consent agreement signed by the previous Preble County Commissioners, the information explained. An Ohio Public Works Commission grant signed this August consists of a $500,000 grant and a $1,000,000 loan for this project.

“Please know that we are not done fighting for you. We plan to keep the project as affordable as possible working to track additional dollars to reduce the expense of the Sewer District 6 Project forced upon the property owners in the project area and the taxpayers of Preble County to solve the issue,” commissioners said.

Reach Eddie Mowen Jr. at 937-683-4061 and follow on X @emowenjr.

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