Northmont celebrates YMCA partnership


ENGLEWOOD — The first Northmont School Board meeting of the 2023-24 school year, on Aug. 14, started off with recognition of the partnership between Northmont City Schools and the Kleptz YMCA in Englewood.

Northmont Superintendent Tony Thomas presented a plaque that reads, “Partner Recognition 2023,” to Kleptz YMCA Executive Director Josh Haynes.

Accepting the plaque, Haynes said that the Kleptz YMCA and the Northmont School District have partnered in many ways over the years to serve the children of the community.

“The Y values the relationship greatly, knowing that the way we’ve worked together and supported each other in these ways makes both entities more successful in meeting common goals,” Haynes said.

Haynes also commented that the community benefit of having both a strong school district and a strong YMCA makes the Northmont community a great place to live and raise a family.

With the first day of school coming up, Jacob Hobbs, student representative to the board, mentioned that fall sports are under way at Northmont and commented on the schools’ readiness for the beginning of the school year.

“Today, teachers and staff returned and are getting ready. They are also having professional development for the next few days leading up to the start of school,” Hobbs said.

“The School Resource Officers had a safety patrol group training. We thank the SROs who ran that,” he said.

Thomas began his report saying that iPad distribution had gone well, with 85 percent of families already receiving theirs.

“Thanks to Amy Mangen, supervisor of curriculum, instruction and technology, who talked this morning about opening day getting better and better every year. We are really learning — it’s almost a welcome-back type of atmosphere,” Thomas said.

He said comments from parents were positive and that the parents have been happy to come in and get to see everybody.

Thomas also noted that food service and food operations are ready for school to start.

“I would like to point out something regarding free and reduced lunch changes. In the state budget, it was redefined that the state will pay for meals for those who previously had a reduced payment. This applies to meals only and our food service department has been sending communications out to educate our parents on this change,” Thomas said.

He went on to thank the departments handling all the state changes and letting the board know about those changes.

“It’s an exciting time. We are all about welcoming the kids,” Thomas said. “If we can’t get excited about this, we’re in the wrong profession.”

At the end of the short meeting, Board President Linda Blum praised the performance of Information Officer Jenny Wood.

“I want a shout-out to Jenny. I have been monitoring the Facebook site. Jenny gets on there and says, ‘Call me,’ in her Friday updates. Her Friday updates are listened to by so many people. It’s been a great, great service to have somebody that can be so close to the computers and be so well-informed,” Blum said.

The next Northmont School Board meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 28, at Northwood Elementary School, located at 6200 Noranda Drive, Clayton.

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