The Brookville Police Department is located at 301 Sycamore St. The non-emergency phone number is (937) 833-HELP.

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The following information has been provided by area police departments. The information listed in this column is considered public record and is available to anyone seeking information concerning what is provided below.

For purposes of this column, the term “arrested” or “charged” does not necessarily mean the person was taken into physical custody. It could also indicate that a summons was issued to the subject in lieu of physical custody.

All the people listed as “arrested” or “charged” are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Friday, June 30, Brookville Report 23-00261: An officer on foot patrol in Golden Gate Park observed the concession stand used by the Brookville Pee Wee Football Program with its door open. The officer entered the building and found alcohol in the cooler unit, empty beer cans and at least two empty beer boxes in the outdoor trash can next to the building. There were no people in or around the building. The alcohol was confiscated and destroyed at the police department.

Brookville Report 23-00262: A vehicle was pulled over for a license violation. The driver was issued a verbal warning for having expired tags and released.

Clayton Report 230000724: Criminal damaging to a vehicle parked in the employee lot at Caterpillar was reported. The windshield and driver’s side window of the vehicle were both completely covered with scratches from a rock, which was left next to the right front tire of the vehicle. The victim identified a suspect, a former roommate who is also an ex-Caterpillar employee, who is currently on probation for charges of menacing and trespassing she signed against him. Caterpillar security footage captured images of a male subject matching the description of the suspect sitting near the employee entrance on Kimmel Road and then stumbling toward the parking lot attempting to cover his head with his T-shirt as he approaches the victim’s vehicle. The footage recorded the suspect scratching the windows and then walk out of the parking lot. Police will have the victim view the footage in an attempt to positively identify the suspect.

Saturday, July 1, Clayton Report 230000727: Police responded to the 4400 block of W. Wenger Rd. on the report of a disorderly subject. Dispatch advised that a white female was on the scene loading a truck and trailer with property belonging to a male resident. When officers arrived, the female stated she and the male used to live together in Centerville, but both moved out. The male moved to Clayton, and she moved to Kentucky. She alleged the male brought a lot of her property to his residence in Clayton and she came to pick it up. The male stated that he is unable to stand by and oversee what property she is taking and wanted the property unloaded from her truck and trailer. He requested police to trespass her from the property due to items recently being stolen from the property and that a property exchange would have to take place at a future date. Police issued the female a written criminal trespass warning and told not to return or face arrest.

Clayton Report 230000731: Criminal damaging to plastic trim on the passenger side door of a rental vehicle was reported in the 7200 block of Robert Ulrich Ave. At 1:30 a.m. the victim observed the trim broken off and the suspect inside the vehicle. The suspect fled in a maroon / red sedan.

Tuesday, July 4, Brookville 23-00264: A resident was walking her dog in the 400 block of Westbrook Rd. when a dog broke through the screen of a home and attacked and bit her dog. Her dog was bit on its neck and had bloody foot pads. Her dog got free from its harness and ran away. Officers secured the loose dog that made the attack and put it in its back yard and closed all the windows on the home to prevent another escape. The victim requested a report to pursue civil charges against the owner of the attacking dog.

Brookville Report 23-00265: Police responded to the 400 block of Market St. on the report of a female making verbal threats towards other individuals and their pets and behaving in a threatening manner. Brandy M. Hatmaker, 43, of Brookville, was charged with menacing and disorderly conduct. She was transported to the county jail.

Clayton Report 230000743: Nicholas J. Cochran, 40, of Dayton 45404, was arrested on a felony warrant and transported to the county jail.

Clayton Report 230000745: A pickup truck parked in the 5100 block of Savina Ave. was found damaged with a dent and scuff mark on the rear driver’s side fender where firework debris was found lying in the street. The complainant said several people were setting off fireworks in the neighborhood throughout the night.

Wednesday, July 5, Brookville Report 23-00266: Christopher A. Drew, 33, of Verona, was charged with assured clear distance ahead and seat belt required following a traffic accident on Arlington Road. He was issued a court summons and released.

Thursday, July 6, Clayton Report 230000750: An unknown subject spray painted graffiti on the front and side of a home for sale in the 5800 block of Mount Royal Dr. Blue and black spray paint was found on the home with the words, “I will be back” as well as marks sprayed in random directions. The lamp post, doorbell and front door glass were also painted. Police returned to the residence to meet with the homeowner who stated that he believes his ex-wife is responsible for the damage. He advised she has been harassing him through text messages and he is currently going through court proceedings about custody of the children. He added that he was supposed to be closing on the sale of the home today.

Friday, July 7, Brookville Report 23-00269: Caleb J. Brousseau, 26, of Muncie, Ind., was charged with theft at BP and transported to the county jail.

Reach Ron Nunnari at [email protected].