Phillipsburg council fills two vacancies


PHILLIPSBURG — Phillipsburg Village Council met in special session on July 26 to fill two of the three vacancies on council. The third will be filled at the July 18 meeting.

The session, originally announced for Tuesday, July 27, was moved up a day due to some conflicts with officials’ schedules.

Despite the change in the date, three people showed up.

Council appointed Shawna Newsom and Anne Shaber to fill out terms that will last throughout this year.

Mayor Ford reminded them that if they want to be on the November ballot for a chance to be elected to council, they need to file their petitions and pay the filing fee with the county board of elections in August.

Council member Brandon Myers told them he had all the information they would need.

Newsom said she has lived in Phillipsburg for “15 or 16 years.” She is a former council member who had to leave a few years ago but is again able to serve. She described herself as “a professional grandma,” helping care for some of her 11 grandchildren.

“I love this little burg,” she said.

Anne Shaber said she has lived in the village for four years and has worked “down the road” at Wengerlawn Nursery for 10 years. She cited her leadership skills at that job and as a yoga teacher as part of her qualifications.

“I really like this little town,” she said. “I don’t like a lot of little towns. I’ve not felt like I’ve been at home until I lived here.

Myers apologized for asking each one if they were registered voters, explaining that while that had been listed as a qualification, he had to “get the technical stuff out of the way.

A third person present, Ilona Yannekis, declined to be considered at this time. She asked several questions about the council’s duties and took a handout from Village Clerk Michelle Phillips.

She also questioned why the announcement of the meeting had not been put in some place more visible, like the post office, instead of just at the municipal office.

“We aren’t allowed to,” Myers answered, and Donna Mullins added that in the past, such notices left on the post office counter had been thrown out by the postmistress.

Council member Shannon Spatz is moving out of the area, creating another vacancy, which will be filled at the July meeting, 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, at the municipal building, 10868 Brookville Phillipsburg Rd.

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