Clayton to place income tax issue on ballot

CLAYTON — City council passed legislation to increase its income tax and to place the issue on the November 7 ballot.

Council adopted Ordinance O – 06 – 23 -12 to amend its administrative code to provide for the imposition of an annual income tax rate of 2.50 percent per year while restoring a 100 percent credit for taxes paid by residents to other municipalities on or after Jan. 1, 2024. The ordinance was voted on under emergency status.

The city’s current income tax rate is 1.50 percent with a 50 percent credit for taxes paid to other municipalities.

The income tax issue was discussed in a workshop session prior to the regular council meeting.

“I have a comment mayor, during the workshop it was discussed that if we get enough development we won’t have to raise the income tax and now we re doing both of them in the same meeting,” said Vice Mayor Tim Gorman prior to the vote by council. “I’m sorry, we gotta do one or the other. I don’t see how we can fairly and adequately do both.”

There was response to Gorman’s statement. A motion to vote on the issue as an emergency was made by Councilman Brendan Bachman with a second by Councilman Greg Merkle. The ordinance passed by unanimous vote.

Council also passed Resolution R – 06 – 23 – 39 authorizing and directing the Board of Elections of Montgomery County to place the tax issue on the November 7 ballot.

The wording of the ballot issue is: Shall Ordinance O – 06 – 23 -12 adopted by the Council of the City of Clayton, Ohio providing on January 1, 2024, for an additional one percent levy on income to a total rate of two and one half percent with funds generated by the 2.50 percent income tax to be appropriated solely for the purpose of general municipal operations and functions and providing for the restoration of the one hundred percent income tax credit be passed?

Gorman voted not to pass the resolution as written.

In another voting related matter, council adopted Ordinance O – 05 – 23 – 11, an ordinance maintaining the current division of wards pursuant to city of Clayton Charter Section 3.03(A) in order to provide for substantially equal population in each ward. The ordinance was adopted by unanimous vote.

In other business council passed a resolution by unanimous vote to enter into an agreement with the Kleingers Group for professional city-wide throughfare plan services at a cost of $49, 600. The item was planned for and included in the annual budget. Kleingers Group bid came in below the budgeted amount.

Also passed was a resolution authorizing the submittal of an application to Montgomery County for Community Development Block Grant funds. The city plans to submit an application for funding to install a sidewalk extending from Hunters Glen on Union Road up to Salem Avenue.

The grant request will be for $89,440 with the city contributing $22,360 for the project.

A resolution supporting the City of Clayton Income Tax Levy to be placed on the November 7 ballot was passed by unanimous vote.

A resolution supporting passage of legislation by the 135th General Assembly of the state of Ohio urging the United States Congress to repeal the ‘Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset’ passed by unanimous vote.

A resolution authorizing the five-year lease to purchase of two 2023 Chevy Silverado trucks for use by the fire department from Enterprise Fleet Management, Inc. at a total cost of $159,583 passed by unanimous vote.

Reach Ron Nunnari at [email protected].