Trustees hire township police chaplain

Brookville Grace Brethren Church Pastor Jason Beasley introduces himself to the Clay Township trustees.

Terry Baver | The Register-Herald

CLAY TOWNSHIP — The trustees voted to hire Jason Beasley as the township police department’s chaplain.

Beasley will serve as chaplain in a volunteer and unpaid position.

Beasley, a pastor at Brookville Grace Brethren Church, located at 665 W. Westbrook Road, introduced himself at the April 3 trustee meeting.

“I’m new to the community. I just moved here from Indianapolis,” Beasley said.

“I just started pastoring at Brookville Grace Brethren Church. I’ve been there full time since Jan. 1,” Beasley continued.

Beasley said he is a former army chaplain in the Indiana National Guard.

“I did that for six years until two ACL surgeries and can’t run anymore,” Beasley said.

Beasley indicated he is looking forward to serving the township police department.

“I’ve always wanted to help. I have a tremendous amount of respect for our first responders,” Beasley said.

Beasley also noted he serves as the chaplain for the Brookville Fire Department.

In his spare time, Beasley said he is studying for a doctorate degree through the Grace Theological Seminary. located in Winona Lake, Ind.

“I’m looking forward to getting to know the community and getting to know the officers and serving them as best I can,” Beasley said.

Trustee chairman Dale Winner welcomed Beasley to the township.

“Thanks for being here today. We’re excited to have you on board. We’re excited for you to share your expertise and to help out where needed,” Winner said.

Police chief John Van Gundy said he believes Beasley’s services will prove to be valuable.

“I think it’s a good asset, not only for the department, but for the township,” Van Gundy said.

Trustee Steve Woolf informed Beasley of the employee’s assistance program.

“That would be very instrumental of you getting to know those folks,” Woolf told Beasley.

“I’m sure Brookville has you already engaged with the crises team in the region. If not, there is an actual team in place,” Woolf said.

“It’s in the works,’ Beasley replied.

In business matters, the trustees approved the service maintenance cost for the township’s two generators.

According to Winner, the cost of the work is $585 for 48kW generator and $325 for the 20kW generator for a total cost of $910.

Winner said the work was performed by Chase Electric, of Brookville.

In other matters, the trustees accepted the resignation of police officer Steve Hodge, effective April 17.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected]