Plans are to stain Castle Playground wood


BROOKVILLE — Park board vice president Loren Wilson asked if the city plans to continue staining the wood at the Castle Playground in Golden Gate Park.

“This is the tentative plan, because every time I bring this up, it gets rained out,” city manager Sonja Keaton replied.

Keaton was referring to whenever a day was scheduled to stain the wood at the playground, inclement weather forced the cancellation of the project.

As an example, Keaton noted the Brookville High School seniors in the Class of 2002 were to team with members of the Brookville Alumni Association to stain the interior wood last year.

But Keaton said the inclement weather prevented them from staining the wood.

Keaton said she is in contact with the head of the Brookville Alumni Association and is attempting to make arrangements for the seniors in the Class of 2023 and members of the alumni association to stain the wood this year.

“The program is called ‘Serve Brookville.’ It is a combination of the senior class and the alumni association, whoever can attend, working in the park, at some churches at some resident’s homes, mainly the elderly, trying to do whatever needs sprucing up that needs to be done,” Keaton said.

“I reached out to the individual who is in charge of the alumni association and the goal is to try and finish staining the interior this year,” Keaton said.

Keaton indicated she will present park board members with more information on the project at the next park board meeting.

Keaton noted the exterior of the playground was completed along with a portion of the interior over the last two years.

A portion of the interior was stained and sealed last October by members of the Salem Church of God as part of the church’s “Love Does” program.

The program consists of church members volunteering to support the surrounding communities by performing numerous projects free of charge.

Wilson also asked if there is the possibility of installing a water bottle filling station at the Brookville Baseball Club concession stand in Golden Gate Park.

“There is a water bottle filling station at the adult softball concession stand,” Wilson said.

“Is there any way a bottle filling station could be put on the baseball concession stand?” Wilson asked.

Wilson said the bottle filling station at the BBC concession stand would be beneficial to bikers who use the bike path next to the park.

“That would be nice for the people who use the bike path because you can see the water bottle refill station at the concession stand from the bike path,” Wilson said.

“There may be a lot of people who use the bike path, but may never use the park,” Wilson added.

Keaton replied installing a water bottle filling station at the concession stand is a topic of discussion with the BBC.

“That is something we could look into with the BBC because the BBC pays the water bill for all the water at that facility,” Keaton said.

Keaton also said she has researched placing a water fountain in the “cluster of diamonds” at the park.

But Keaton said the water fountain project is now on hold.

“That was on my list until the replacement of the caretaker cabin roof came up. The roof took a good chunk of our park funds,” Keaton said.

“They’ve been experiencing some leaks in one of the corners,” Keaton said of the cabin located in Golden Gate Park.

Keaton informed the park board replacing the cabin’s roof will cost nearly $8,500.

Keaton noted the cost of the recently installed water fountain in the park is quite expensive.

“It cost about $4,000 for the water fountain at shelter 3,” Keaton said.

The water fountain was donated by the Delta Theta Tau sorority.

Reach Terry Baver at [email protected]

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