Eaton school board recognizes student conduct

EATON — The Eaton Community Schools Board of Education recently recognized Marshall Snell for the Kids’ Heart Challenge, facilitated by Kim Neeley.

ECS Board President Lisa Noble remarked, “The purpose of the challenge is for the kids to raise money that is then donate to the American Heart Association. This year the entire school raised a total of $8,588.84 that was donated. But one student, Marshall Snell, spent an inordinate amount of time and effort on the phone talking with family and friends. He raised $1,111.37 to contribute to the donation.

“It is amazing that a first grader would spend this time, energy and effort to raise such a large sum.”

The board also recognized Riley Rowland for the Great Kindness Challenge, facilitated by Stacy Haesecker.

“Stacy Haesecker organized the Great Kindness Challenge as a school wide initiative. One aspect of the challenge was for the children to do an action of kindness for someone else, for their family, for a friend or for the community. Riley chose to plant bulbs outside of the school,” said Noble.

“She planted 450 daffodil bulbs in the landscaped area in front of the school. The most beautiful flowers come springtime, all because of Riley.”

The board congratulated both students on their outstanding conduct.

In other business:

•Board member Ben Myers updated the board that the city will be placing nine disc golf holes at Fort Saint Clair in Eaton and hopes to provide the opportunity for students to learn the sport.

• The board approved and accepted the resignations and retirements of Carolyn Bulach, Elementary Grade Level Leader-KG, effective May 26, 2023; Morgan Lippert, teacher, resignation effective May 26, and MTSS Coordinator, Eaton Middle School, also effective May 26; Amanda Tully, MTSS Coordinator, East Elementary, effective May 26 and Kaleb Wilson, custodian, resignation effective March 13.

•The board moved into executive session to discuss personnel matters.

Reach Nathan Hoskins at 937-683-4057