Willefords recognized for Whispering Christmas efforts

EATON — During a special celebration honoring the many volunteers who help make Whispering Christmas at Fort St. Clair a reality, city officials presented Whispering Christmas Committee Chairs Amber and Lewis Willeford a proclamation recognizing their five years of service and dedication to the City of Eaton and the holiday event.

Vice-Mayor David Kirsch was on hand to present the proclamation at the Saturday, March 18, event held at Grace Lutheran Church in Eaton.

According to the proclamation, “Amber and Lewis Willeford together took on the role of chairpersons of the Fort St. Clair Whispering Christmas Committee five years ago, bringing with them invaluable seeds of kindness and unmatched dedication to the annual event which delights and brings joy to tens of thousands of people each holiday season.”

“And, as chairs of the committee the Willefords have led the charge in growing Whispering Christmas in both spectacular lighting displays and community engagement in fundraising efforts like the highly successful ‘Jingle Jog’ 5K,” the proclamation continued.

“During their time as chairpersons, they have successfully rallied troops of volunteers eager to bring to life the wonders of Whispering Christmas, embodying the true spirit of volunteerism at the holidays and year-round and sharing that with the public to the betterment of the Eaton community,” Kirsch read.