Camden tables zoning until revision completed

CAMDEN — Zoning was the dominant theme of the Thursday, Feb. 2, Camden Village Council meeting, with the proposed zoning plan for Camden having been discussed at several prior meetings. Council addressed the topic with Deputy Village Administrator Benjamin Gunderson once again.

“We’ve been working on (zoning) for well over a year, we’ve had multiple zoning workshops, public hearings, planning commission meetings, I want to see where that stands. I don’t know where council stands on that, but I think that is something that is an immediate need,” said Gunderson.

Council member Jeff Steele, who has voiced his concerns with the proposed plan on numerous occasions, again expressed his doubts in the plan, “I just feel we’re getting too far into the weeds on some of it. I’ve said multiple times, from the beginning, I wanted zoning ‘ultra-light’.

“Originally, I thought it was going to be a map that states businesses here, housing here. I didn’t know we were going deeper into the weeds.”

Several members of council remarked the drafted documentation for the zoning code has cost too much time and money to let it dissolve, and therefore intend to pursue its establishment. But , they would prefer all members of council are satisfied with its premise before doing so.

“The goal isn’t to make sure nothing ever changes in Camden, but to re-envision what we want Camden to grow into,” remarked council member Kate Duskey. Council member Judy Michael echoed Duskey’s sentiment, adding, “I just want Camden to grow.”

Council voted to remove all zoning related items from the agenda until the code has been revised to the liking of council.

In other business:

• During the public participation segment of the meeting, resident Gary Rust inquired of the status of previously announced projects within the village.

“I’m just curious, I’m not being critical. What has become of all the projects that’ve been started and never finished? Upper level (phase two), hiking trail, technology center, Shanks tear down and rebuild, IGA. I’m just curious because you hear it in the meetings then it’s off into the sunset and you never hear or see anything else,” Rust stated.

Gunderson answered on behalf of council, “As it relates to the Tech Center project, we’re still pursuing funding for the project, we were given permission to pursue another $200,000 in funding. We’re still looking to secure the tenants for the project for it to move forward. So, with the library being one of the potential tenants and their executive director resigning, it has been postponed until they find a new director, per the board’s request.”

Gunderson assured council “steady steps” are being made toward the Tech Center project, but are still far away from beginning construction.

Gunderson added, phase two of the Camden Town Hall renovation has been re-prioritized in place of other projects, mentioning that rising costs have factored in, making the rebuild far more expensive.

According to Village Administrator Rusty Wilson, Kramer and Kramer Inc. are nearing the bidding process for ongoing building projects around the village, such as the catch basins and the walking path.

Council also expressed that the sale of the IGA is a private affair, and therefore they have no definitive information regarding its possible renovations or projects.

Gunderson added, the MedShip project is currently awaiting state funding before tearing down property on existing locations to rebuild a new facility.

Camden Village Council meetings are public meetings held on the first and third Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m. at Camden Town Hall.

Reach Nathan Hoskins at 937-683-4057.