Camden addressing feral cat population

CAMDEN — Camden Village Council decided during a Thursday, Feb. 2, meeting the stray cats of Camden have become far too abundant.

“I reached out to Town and Country Veterinarian to see if we can do something with the cat population,” council member Carla Risner began. “If they can spay and neuter if we can trap them, and they said yes. So, I got all that information and I also reached out to Joseph’s Legacy and another shelter and they’re willing to, at a snail’s pace, take them in as well.”

Risner added, there are several feral cat programs offered by numerous shelters which the village may be able to take advantage of.

Council agreed the cat population has grown out of hand, and expressed willingness to act in whatever ways possible to decrease it.

In other business:

• Council memberDebbie Hickman and Fiscal Officer Rebecca Wilson announced the village has in store 10,300 daffodil bulbs to plant around the village, a flower which generally blooms in late winter to early spring.

Camden Village Council meetings are public meetings held on the first and third Thursday of each month, at 7 p.m. at Camden Town Hall.

Reach Nathan Hoskins at 937-683-4057.