Timken employees help save coworker’s life

EATON — TimkenSteel employees who rushed to the aid of a coworker were honored alongside Eaton Fire & EMS and Eaton Police staff during a Monday, Feb. 21, Eaton City Council meeting.

On Dec. 15, Tim Cross collapsed at his machine at the TimkenSteel St. Clair Plant in Eaton, according to EFD & EMS Chief Brian Smith. Coworkers started CPR, called 9-1- 1, and “they got an AED (automated external defibrillator) attached to him and actually shocked him one round,” Smith told council.

Eaton PD Officers Sarah Rose and Aaron Melling arrived and continued administering CPR, according to Smith, until EFD & EMS crews arrived on the scene and took over.

“An interesting thing about this call,” Smith explained, “Is we received from the Timken Foundation a pretty sizable grant to purchase a LUCAS (Lund University Cardiopulmonary Assist System) device which was used on Mr. Cross. And it is part of the reason he is with us today.”

“We’ve had to use it multiple times, but to use it at the facility that paid for it just kind of brings it full circle,” Smith said.

The LUCAS Chest Compression System is a device which delivers chest compressions to individuals experiencing cardiac arrest.

TimkenSteel officials presented Eaton Fire and EMS with a donation of over $14,800 for the purchase of the device in 2019.

“I will say this, in almost 20 years now doing this, I’ve never turned the corner in an ER and walked into a trauma room and a patient who was in cardiac arrest the last time I saw them was trying to get the tube out of his mouth,” Smith said of Cross’s recovery.

“So often we see people that are more interested in filming with their cameras and stuff like that than helping each other,” Mayor Joe Renner said. “So, this is a great thing.”

“A fantastic job,” Smith added of those involved.

Cross brought a chuckle with his simple words of gratitude. “I appreciate it,” he said.

Group recognized by Eaton City Council

By Leslie Collins

For The Register-Herald